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Offshore wave climate, Perth (Western Australia), 1994–96

A. J. Lemm, B. J. Hegge and G. Masselink
50(2) pp.95 - 102

59 articles found in Crossref database.

Australian Coastal Systems (2020)
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Inter-annual variability and longer-term changes in the wave climate of Western Australia between 1970 and 2009
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Rock topography causes spatial variation in the wave, current and beach response to sea breeze activity
Gallop Shari L., Bosserelle Cyprien, Pattiaratchi Charitha, Eliot Ian
Marine Geology. 2011 290(1-4). p.29
Seasonal Shoreline Variability Induced by Subtidal Water Level Fluctuations at Reef‐Fringed Beaches
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The Effect of the Leeuwin Current on Offshore Surface Gravity Waves in Southwest Western Australia
Wandres Moritz, Wijeratne E. M. S., Cosoli Simone, Pattiaratchi Charitha
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2017 122(11). p.9047

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