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Floodplain hydrology, acid discharge and change in water quality associated with a drained acid sulfate soil

B. P. Wilson, I. White and M. D. Melville
50(2) pp.149 - 157

80 articles found in Crossref database.

Opening floodgates in coastal floodplain drains: effects on tidal forcing and lateral transport of solutes in adjacent groundwater
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The impact of controlled tidal exchange on drainage water quality in acid sulphate soil backswamps
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The acid flux dynamics of two artificial drains in acid sulfate soil backswamps on the Clarence River floodplain, Australia
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Characteristics of the Acidity in Acid Sulfate Soil Drainage Waters, McLeods Creek, Northeastern NSW, Australia
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Saturated hydraulic conductivity of sulfuric horizons in coastal floodplain acid sulfate soils: Variability and implications
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Mechanisms of acid sulfate soil oxidation and leaching under sugarcane cropping
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Divergent drivers of carbon dioxide and methane dynamics in an agricultural coastal floodplain: Post-flood hydrological and biological drivers
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Discharge of weathering products from acid sulfate soils after a rainfall event, Tweed River, eastern Australia
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