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The biology of a landlocked form of the normally catadromous salmoniform fish Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns). I. Life cycle and origin

DA Pollard
22(2) pp.91 - 124

64 articles found in Crossref database.

Spawning‐related fungal infection of golden galaxias Galaxias auratus (Galaxiidae)
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Variation of the use of marine resources by Galaxias maculatus in large Chilean rivers
Górski K., Habit E. M., Pingram M. A., Manosalva A. J.
Hydrobiologia. 2018 814(1). p.61
Hydrological manipulation to assist spawning of a threatened galaxiid fish in a highland lake system
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New Insights into the Distribution, Physiology and Life Histories of South American Galaxiid Fishes, and Potential Threats to This Unique Fauna
Cussac Víctor Enrique, Barrantes María Eugenia, Boy Claudia Clementina, Górski Konrad, Habit Evelyn, Lattuca María Eugenia, Rojo Javier Hernán
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Life-history traits in the southernmost landlocked population of the fish Galaxias maculatus
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Reproductive biology ofGalaxias maculatus(Jenyns 1842) in the Río Ovando, a high-latitude environment in southernmost Patagonia, Argentina
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Annual dynamics variation of a landlocked Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns 1842) population in a Northern Patagonian river: occurrence of juvenile upstream migration
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Growth and diet of inanga (Galaxias maculatus) within a small New Zealand coastal pond system
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Large-scale variation in life history traits of the widespread diadromous fish, Galaxias maculatus, reflects geographic differences in local environmental conditions
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