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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
Advances in the aquatic sciences

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Suspended Organic Matter in the Tasman Sea

Pont G Dal and B Newell
14(2) pp.155 - 165

25 articles found in Crossref database.

Quaternary surface-water stable isotope signal from calcareous nannofossils at DSDP Site 593, southern Tasman Sea
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Suspended Particulate Matter in the Waters on Both Sides of the Aleutian Ridge
Journal of the Oceanographical Society of Japan. 1969 25(5). p.239
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Measurements of microbial activity and organic material in the western Mediterranean sea
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Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen in the adjacent seas of the Pacific Ocean
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Distribution of particulate organic carbon and nitrogen at an oceanic station in the central Pacific
Gordon Donald C.
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The transport of organic matter by the bottom water of the oceans
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