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Contributions of sugar cane and invasive pasture grass to the aquatic food web of a tropical lowland stream

Stuart E. Bunn, Peter M. Davies and Dominica M. Kellaway
48(2) pp.173 - 179

88 articles found in Crossref database.

Partitioning of river metabolism identifies phytoplankton as a major contributor in the regulated Murray River (Australia)
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Freshwater Biology. 2011 56(6). p.1047
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River Research and Applications. 2013 29(5). p.560
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Masese Frank O., Abrantes Kátya G., Gettel Gretchen M., Bouillon Steven, Irvine Kenneth, McClain Michael E.
Ecosystems. 2015 18(4). p.686
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Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2015 25(3). p.336
Consumer–resource coupling in wet–dry tropical rivers
Jardine Timothy D., Pettit Neil E., Warfe Danielle M., Pusey Bradley J., Ward Doug P., Douglas Michael M., Davies Peter M., Bunn Stuart E.
Journal of Animal Ecology. 2012 81(2). p.310
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Sources of organic carbon supporting the food web of an arid zone floodplain river
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