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A Survey of the Western Coastal Dune Lakes of the North Island, New Zealand

BT Cunningham, NT Moar, AW Torrie and PJ Parr
4(2) pp.343 - 386

33 articles found in Crossref database.

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Botanical literature of Northland, New Zealand
Andersen Karin
New Zealand Journal of Botany. 1975 13(1). p.31
Seasonal and spatial dynamics in the phytomacrofaunal community of Lake Henley, New Zealand
Miller R. J., Death R. G.
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Factors influencing cyanobacteria blooms: review of the historical monitoring data to assess management options for Lake Horowhenua
Gibbs Max M., Roygard Jon, Patterson Maree, Brown Logan, Brown David
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 2024 58(1). p.1
Factors influencing the abundance of the common bully, Gobiomorphus cotidianus McDowall, in small, North Island, New Zealand, lakes
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Plankton of lake Ototoa, a sand‐dune lake in Northern New Zealand
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Ontogenetic habitat shifts by Galaxias gracilis (Galaxiidae) between the littoral and limnetic zones of Lake Kanono, New Zealand
Rowe David K., Chisnall Ben L.
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Environmental factors associated with the decline of dwarf inangaGalaxias gracilis McDowall in New Zealand dune lakes
Rowe David K., Chisnall Benjamin L.
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Exotic fish introductions and the decline of water clarity in small North Island, New Zealand lakes: a multi-species problem
Rowe David K.
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Littoral macroinvertebrate communities of dune lakes in the far north of New Zealand
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Physico‐chemical features of lake Ototoa, a sand‐dune lake in northern New Zealand
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Movements and home range of ferrets (Mustela furo) at Pukepuke Lagoon, New Zealand
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The species problem in freshwater fishes and the taxonomy of diadromous and lacustrine populations ofGalaxias maculatus(Jenyns)
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Crying wolf, crying foul, or crying shame: alien salmonids and a biodiversity crisis in the southern cool-temperate galaxioid fishes?
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Resolving 500 Years of Anthropogenic Impacts in a Mesotrophic Lake: Nutrients Outweigh Other Drivers of Lake Change
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The comparative limnology of some New Zealand lakes
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Summer spatial patterns of the fish community in a large, shallow, turbid coastal lake
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Observations on some chemical parameters and the phytoplankton of five west coast dune lakes in Northland, New Zealand
Cassie Vivienne, Freeman P.T.
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Observations on aquatic macrophytes in 26 northern New Zealand lakes
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Distribution and conservation status of the dwarf inangaGalaxias gracilis(Teleostei: Galaxiidae) an endemic fish of Northland dune lakes
Rowe D. K., Chisnall B. L.
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 1997 27(2). p.223

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