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Distribution of Marine Invertebrates by Ships

FE Allen
4(2) pp.307 - 316

51 articles found in Crossref database.

The influence of antifouling practices on marine invasions
Piola Richard F., Dafforn Katherine A., Johnston Emma L.
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Lewis Patrick N, Hewitt Chad L, Riddle Martin, McMinn Andrew
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“If You Know the Enemy and Know Yourself”: Addressing the Problem of Biological Invasions in Ports Through a New NIS Invasion Threat Score, Routine Monitoring, and Preventive Action Plans
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Hull Fouling of Maritime Vessels as a Pathway for Marine Species Invasions to the Hawaiian Islands
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Establishment of the Caribbean Serpulid Tubeworm Hydroides sanctaecrucis Krøyer [in] Mörch, 1863, in Northern Australia
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A history of ship specialization and consequences for marine invasions, management and policy
Davidson Ian C., Scianni Christopher, Minton Mark S., Ruiz Gregory M., Vamosi Steven
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Grazing effect of the invasive reef-forming polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel) on phytoplankton biomass in a SW Atlantic coastal lagoon
Bruschetti Martin, Luppi Tomas, Fanjul Eugenia, Rosenthal Alan, Iribarne Oscar
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2008 354(2). p.212
Effect of biodeposition of an invasive polychaete on organic matter content and productivity of the sediment in a coastal lagoon
Bruschetti Martin, Bazterrica Cielo, Fanjul Eugenia, Luppi Tomas, Iribarne Oscar
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Comparing differential tolerance of native and non-indigenous marine species to metal pollution using novel assay techniques
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Antifouling strategies: History and regulation, ecological impacts and mitigation
Dafforn Katherine A., Lewis John A., Johnston Emma L.
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2011 62(3). p.453
Colonization, structure and growth of Ficopomatus enigmaticus cf. ten Hove & Weerdenburg (Polychaeta, Serpulidae) in the Albufera of Menorca, Balearic Islands
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Occurrence and diversity of barnacles on international ships visiting Osaka Bay, Japan, and the risk of their introduction
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The potential for hull‐mediated species transfers by obsolete ships on their final voyages
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Intertidal invasion patterns in Canadian ports
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