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Tagging of School Shark, Galeorhinus australis (Macleay) (Carcharhanidae) in South-eastern Australian Waters

AM Olsen
4(1) pp.95 - 104

13 articles found in Crossref database.

Movements of the New Zealand school shark,Galeorhinus galeus, from tag returns
Hurst Rosemary J., Baglet Neil W., McGregor Graeme A., Francis Malcolm P.
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 1999 33(1). p.29
Histology of dart tag insertion sites in the epaulette shark
Heupel M. R., Bennett M. B.
Journal of Fish Biology. 1997 50(5). p.1034
Post-release survival, movement, and habitat use of school shark Galeorhinus galeus in the Great Australian Bight, southern Australia
Rogers P.J., Knuckey I., Hudson R.J., Lowther A.D., Guida L.
Fisheries Research. 2017 187 p.188
Demographic history and the South Pacific dispersal barrier for school shark (Galeorhinus galeus) inferred by mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite DNA mark
Hernández Sebastián, Daley Ross, Walker Terry, Braccini Matias, Varela Andrea, Francis Malcolm P., Ritchie Peter A.
Fisheries Research. 2015 167 p.132
Partial female migration and cool-water migration pathways in an overfished shark
McMillan M N, Huveneers C, Semmens J M, Gillanders B M, Durif Caroline
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2019 76(4). p.1083
Standardization of catch and effort data in a spatially-structured shark fishery
Punt André E., Walker Terence I., Taylor Bruce L., Pribac Fred
Fisheries Research. 2000 45(2). p.129
Shark Tagging: A Review Of Conventional Methods and Studies
Kohler Nancy E., Turner Patricia A.
Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2001 60(1-3). p.191
The behavior and sensory biology of elasmobranch fishes: an anthology in memory of Donald Richard Nelson (2001)
Kohler Nancy E., Turner Patricia A.
Analysis of tissue responses to fin tagging in Australian carcharhinids
Heupel M. R., Simpfendorfer C. A., Bennett M. B.
Journal of Fish Biology. 1998 52(3). p.610
Estimating Abundance of Reef-Dwelling Sharks: A Case Study of the Epaulette Shark, Hemiscyllium ocellatum (Elasmobranchii: Hemiscyllidae)1
Heupel M. R., Bennett M. B.
Pacific Science. 2007 61(3). p.383
Shedding rates and retention performance of conventional dart tags in large pelagic sharks: Insights from a double-tagging experiment on blue shark (Prionace glauca)
Mas Federico, Cortés Enric, Coelho Rui, Defeo Omar, Forselledo Rodrigo, Jiménez Sebastián, Miller Philip, Domingo Andrés
Fisheries Research. 2022 255 p.106462
Factors affecting recapture rates of raggedtooth sharksCarcharias taurustagged off the east coast of South Africa
Dicken M L, Booth A J, Smale M J
African Journal of Marine Science. 2009 31(3). p.365
Residency and movement patterns of bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo, in a large Florida estuary
Heupel Michelle R., Simpfendorfer Colin A., Collins Angela B., Tyminski John P.
Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2006 76(1). p.47

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