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How good are we at assessing the impact of ocean acidification in coastal systems? Limitations, omissions and strengths of commonly used experimental approaches with special emphasis on the neglected role of fluctuations

M. Wahl A B , V. Saderne A and Y. Sawall A
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A Geomar Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Duesternbrookerweg 20, D-24105 Kiel, Germany.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Marine and Freshwater Research 67(1) 25-36
Submitted: 13 June 2014  Accepted: 19 November 2014   Published: 17 June 2015

77 articles found in Crossref database.

Macroalgae may mitigate ocean acidification effects on mussel calcification by increasing pH and its fluctuations
Wahl M., Schneider Covachã S., Saderne V., Hiebenthal C., Müller J. D., Pansch C., Sawall Y.
Limnology and Oceanography. 2018 63(1). p.3
Modelling Antifouling compounds of Macroalgal Holobionts in Current and Future pH Conditions
Roggatz Christina C., Hardege Jörg D., Saha Mahasweta
Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2022 48(4). p.455
Diel pCO2 variation among coral reefs and microhabitats at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef
Hannan Kelly D., Miller Gabrielle M., Watson Sue-Ann, Rummer Jodie L., Fabricius Katharina, Munday Philip L.
Coral Reefs. 2020 39(5). p.1391
Warming and temperature variability determine the performance of two invertebrate predators
Morón Lugo Sonia C., Baumeister Moritz, Nour Ola Mohamed, Wolf Fabian, Stumpp Meike, Pansch Christian
Scientific Reports. 2020 10(1).
Exoskeletal predator defenses of juvenile California spiny lobsters (Panulirus interruptus) are affected by fluctuating ocean acidification-like conditions
Lowder Kaitlyn B., deVries Maya S., Hattingh Ruan, Day James M. D., Andersson Andreas J., Zerofski Phillip J., Taylor Jennifer R. A.
Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022 9
The dynamic ocean acidification manipulation experimental system: Separating carbonate variables and simulating natural variability in laboratory flow‐through experiments
Gimenez Iria, Waldbusser George G., Langdon Chris J., Hales Burke R.
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 2019 17(6). p.343
Diel CO2 cycles reduce severity of behavioural abnormalities in coral reef fish under ocean acidification
Jarrold Michael D., Humphrey Craig, McCormick Mark I., Munday Philip L.
Scientific Reports. 2017 7(1).
Characterization of the CO2 System in a Coral Reef, a Seagrass Meadow, and a Mangrove Forest in the Central Red Sea
Saderne Vincent, Baldry Kimberlee, Anton Andrea, Agustí Susana, Duarte Carlos M.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2019 124(11). p.7513
Abiotic and biotic interactions in the diffusive boundary layer of kelp blades create a potential refuge from ocean acidification
Noisette Fanny, Hurd Catriona, Carrington Emily
Functional Ecology. 2018 32(5). p.1329
The role of macroalgal habitats as ocean acidification refugia within coastal seascapes
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Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures. 2023 1
Season affects strength and direction of the interactive impacts of ocean warming and biotic stress in a coastal seaweed ecosystem
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Season Exerts Differential Effects of Ocean Acidification and Warming on Growth and Carbon Metabolism of the Seaweed Fucus vesiculosus in the Western Baltic Sea
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Elevated Temperature Does Not Substantially Modify the Interactive Effects Between Elevated CO2 and Diel CO2 Cycles on the Survival, Growth and Behavior of a Coral Reef Fish
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Frontiers in Marine Science. 2018 5
Extreme, but not moderate climate scenarios, impart sublethal effects on polyps of the Irukandji jellyfish, Carukia barnesi
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The combined effects of reduced pH and elevated temperature on the shell density of two gastropod species measured using micro-CT imaging
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ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2017 74(4). p.1135
Effect of temperature rise and ocean acidification on growth of calcifying tubeworm shells (<i>Spirorbis spirorbis</i>): an in situ benthocosm approach
Ni Sha, Taubner Isabelle, Böhm Florian, Winde Vera, Böttcher Michael E.
Biogeosciences. 2018 15(5). p.1425
Adaptive marine conservation planning in the face of climate change: What can we learn from physiological, ecological and genetic studies?
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Salinity and Time Can Alter Epibacterial Communities of an Invasive Seaweed
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Noisette Fanny, Pansch Christian, Wall Marlene, Wahl Martin, Hurd Catriona L.
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Environmental variability in aquatic ecosystems: Avenues for future multifactorial experiments
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Individual and combined effects of low dissolved oxygen and low pH on survival of early stage larval blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus
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The effects of constant and fluctuating elevated pCO2 levels on oxygen uptake rates of coral reef fishes
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The Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Ecosystems and Reliant Human Communities
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Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2020 45(1). p.83
Diffusive Boundary Layers and Ocean Acidification: Implications for Sea Urchin Settlement and Growth
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Frontiers in Marine Science. 2020 7
The biogeomorphology of Shark Bay's microbialite coasts
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Earth-Science Reviews. 2020 205 p.102921
Relationship between shell integrity of pelagic gastropods and carbonate chemistry parameters at a Scottish Coastal Observatory monitoring site
León Pablo, Bednaršek Nina, Walsham Pam, Cook Kathryn, Hartman Susan E, Wall-Palmer Deborah, Hindson Jennifer, Mackenzie Kevin, Webster Lynda, Bresnan Eileen, Woodson Brock C
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Safe in My Garden: Reduction of Mainstream Flow and Turbulence by Macroalgal Assemblages and Implications for Refugia of Calcifying Organisms From Ocean Acidification
Kregting Louise, Britton Damon, Mundy Craig N., Hurd Catriona L.
Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021 8
Warming, but Not Acidification, Restructures Epibacterial Communities of the Baltic Macroalga Fucus vesiculosus With Seasonal Variability
Mensch Birte, Neulinger Sven C., Künzel Sven, Wahl Martin, Schmitz Ruth A.
Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020 11
Ocean Acidification and Coastal Marine Invertebrates: Tracking CO2Effects from Seawater to the Cell
Melzner Frank, Mark Felix C., Seibel Brad A., Tomanek Lars
Annual Review of Marine Science. 2020 12(1). p.499
Prehistoric ornaments in a changing environment. An integrated approach to the Late Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Columbella rustica shells from the Vlakno cave, Croatia
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Trends and hot spots of coastal science in Moroccan Atlantic coast: a bibliometric analysis
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pH gradients in the diffusive boundary layer of subarctic macrophytes
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Potential for Local Fertilization: A Benthocosm Test of Long-Term and Short-Term Effects of Mussel Excretion on the Plankton
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Long-term exposure to acidification disrupts reproduction in a marine invertebrate
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Diel CO2 cycles do not modify juvenile growth, survival and otolith development in two coral reef fish under ocean acidification
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