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Repairing Australia's estuaries for improved fisheries production – what benefits, at what cost?

Colin Creighton A E , Paul I. Boon B , Justin D. Brookes C and Marcus Sheaves D
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- Author Affiliations

A Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Deakin West, ACT 2600, Australia.

B Institute for Sustainability & Innovation, Victoria University (Footscray Park Campus), Melbourne, Vic. 8001, Australia.

C Water Research Centre, School of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia.

D School of Marine and Tropical Biology, and TropWATER (Centre for Tropical Water & Aquatic Ecosystem Research) James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4815, Australia.

E Corresponding author. Email:

Marine and Freshwater Research 66(6) 493-507
Submitted: 11 February 2014  Accepted: 9 August 2014   Published: 30 January 2015

69 articles found in Crossref database.

Quantifying Environmental and Spatial Patterns of Fish on Log Snags to Optimise Resnagging in Coastal Seascapes
Gaines Lucy A. Goodridge, Mosman Jesse D., Henderson Christopher J., Olds Andrew D., Perry Hannah J., Gilby Ben L.
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A long-lived, estuarine-resident fish species selects its macroinvertebrate food source based on certain prey and predator traits
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Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2022 264 p.107691
Opportunities for coastal wetland restoration for blue carbon with co-benefits for biodiversity, coastal fisheries, and water quality
Hagger Valerie, Waltham Nathan J., Lovelock Catherine E.
Ecosystem Services. 2022 55 p.101423
Estimating the value of tropical coastal wetland habitats to fisheries: Caveats and assumptions
Abrantes Kátya G., Sheaves Marcus, Fries Jakob, Kimirei Ismael Aaron
PLOS ONE. 2019 14(4). p.e0215350
Principles for operationalizing climate change adaptation strategies to support the resilience of estuarine and coastal ecosystems: An Australian perspective
Sheaves Marcus, Sporne Ilva, Dichmont Catherine M., Bustamante Rodrigo, Dale Pat, Deng Roy, Dutra Leo X.C., van Putten Ingrid, Savina-Rollan Marie, Swinbourne Anne
Marine Policy. 2016 68 p.229
Response to “Rebutting the inclined analyses on the cost‐effectiveness and feasibility of coral reef restoration”
Bayraktarov Elisa, Saunders Megan I., Mumby Peter J., Possingham Hugh P., Abdullah Sabah, Lovelock Catherine E.
Ecological Applications. 2017 27(6). p.1974
Legal barriers and enablers for reintroducing tides: An Australian case study in reconverting ponded pasture for climate change mitigation
Bell-James Justine, Lovelock Catherine E
Land Use Policy. 2019 88 p.104192
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Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2020 27(3). p.3361
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Selecting from the Fisheries Managers’ Tool-Box: Recreational Fishers’ Views of Stock Enhancement and Other Management Options
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Frontiers in Marine Science. 2019 6
The role of connectivity and physicochemical conditions in effective habitat of two exploited penaeid species
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Ecological Indicators. 2017 80 p.1
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Restoration Ecology. 2022 30(8).
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Waltham Nathan J., Schaffer Jason R.
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Marine and Freshwater Research. 2023 74(4). p.357
Imaging Sonar Reveals Diel Movement of Fish Throughout a Developed Australian Estuary
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Stoot Lauren J., Doran Gregory S., Thiem Jason D., Butler Gavin L., Vu An Vi, Baumgartner Lee J.
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Direct and Indirect Interactions Between Lower Estuarine Mangrove and Saltmarsh Habitats and a Commercially Important Penaeid Shrimp
Taylor Matthew D., Becker Alistair, Moltschaniwskyj Natalie A., Gaston Troy F.
Estuaries and Coasts. 2018 41(3). p.815
Remote Sensing of Mangroves and Estuarine Communities in Central Queensland, Australia
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Gilby Ben L., Olds Andrew D., Peterson Charles H., Connolly Rod M., Voss Christine M., Bishop Melanie J., Elliott Michael, Grabowski Jonathan H., Ortodossi Nicholas L., Schlacher Thomas A.
Fish and Fisheries. 2018 19(5). p.931
Sustainable management of Australia’s coastal seascapes: a case for collecting and communicating quantitative evidence to inform decision-making
Wegscheidl Carla J., Sheaves Marcus, McLeod Ian M., Hedge Paul T., Gillies Chris L., Creighton Colin
Wetlands Ecology and Management. 2017 25(1). p.3
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Tweedley James R., Hallett Chris S., Beatty Stephen J.
International Aquatic Research. 2017 9(3). p.259
Predicting the resilience and recovery of aquatic systems: A framework for model evolution within environmental observatories
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Australian vegetated coastal ecosystems as global hotspots for climate change mitigation
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Nature Communications. 2019 10(1).
Expanding coastal urban and industrial seascape in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area: Critical need for coordinated planning and policy
Waltham Nathan J, Sheaves Marcus
Marine Policy. 2015 57 p.78
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Reclamation and Ecological Service Value Evaluation of Coastal Wetlands Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery
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Stable isotopes reveal the importance of saltmarsh-derived nutrition for two exploited penaeid prawn species in a seagrass dominated system
Hewitt Daniel E., Smith Timothy M., Raoult Vincent, Taylor Matthew D., Gaston Troy F.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2020 236 p.106622
The economic value of fisheries harvest supported by saltmarsh and mangrove productivity in two Australian estuaries
Taylor Matthew D., Gaston Troy F., Raoult Vincent
Ecological Indicators. 2018 84 p.701
Losses of natural coastal wetlands by land conversion and ecological degradation in the urbanizing Chinese coast
Lin Qiaoying, Yu Shen
Scientific Reports. 2018 8(1).
Fisheries enhancement and restoration in a changing world
Taylor Matthew D., Chick Rowan C., Lorenzen Kai, Agnalt Ann-Lisbeth, Leber Kenneth M., Blankenship H. Lee, Haegen Geraldine Vander, Loneragan Neil R.
Fisheries Research. 2017 186 p.407
Coastal wetland rehabilitation first-pass prioritisation for blue carbon and associated co-benefits
Rogers Kerrylee, Lal Kirti K., Asbridge Emma F., Dwyer Patrick G., Fennessy Siobhan
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2022 74(3). p.177
Environmental Effects on the Seasonal Distribution of an Estuarine Species Neoarius graeffei in Northern New South Wales, Australia
Stoot Lauren J., Butler Gavin L., Niella Yuri, Doran Gregory S., Thiem Jason D., Taylor Matthew D., Baumgartner Lee J.
Estuaries and Coasts. 2024 47(1). p.229
Connectivity of Large-Bodied Fish with a Recovering Estuarine Tidal Marsh, Revealed Using an Imaging Sonar
Bennett Mark A., Becker Alistair, Gaston Troy, Taylor Matthew D.
Estuaries and Coasts. 2021 44(6). p.1579
Murray-Darling Basin, Australia (2021)
Brookes Justin, Aldridge Kane, Hipsey Matthew, Busch Brendan, Ye Qifeng, Gibbs Matt, Paton David
Utilisation of a recovering wetland by a commercially important species of penaeid shrimp
Hart Craig, Gaston Troy F., Taylor Matthew D.
Wetlands Ecology and Management. 2018 26(4). p.665
Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries (2022)
Gillanders Bronwyn M., McMillan Matthew N., Reis‐Santos Patrick, Baumgartner Lee J., Brown Larry R., Conallin John, Feyrer Frederick V., Henriques Sofia, James Nicola C., Jaureguizar Andrés J., Pessanha André L.M., Vasconcelos Rita P., Vu An V., Walther Benjamin, Wibowo Arif
Opportunities for blue carbon restoration projects in degraded agricultural land of the coastal zone in Queensland, Australia
Rowland Phebe I., Hagger Valerie, Lovelock Catherine E.
Regional Environmental Change. 2023 23(1).
Estimating the Potential Fishery Benefits from Targeted Habitat Repair: a Case Study of School Prawn (Metapenaeus macleayi) in the Lower Clarence River Estuary
Taylor Matthew D., Creighton Colin
Wetlands. 2018 38(6). p.1199
The effects of estuarine outflows on coastal marine ecosystems in New South Wales, Australia
Rasmussen J.A., Ingleton T., Bennett W.W., Pearson R.M., CA McAneney, Foulsham E., Hanslow D., Scanes P.R., Connolly R.M.
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2024 208 p.116915
Lethal and Sub-Lethal Effects of Aluminium on a Juvenile Penaeid Shrimp
Russell Angela, MacFarlane Geoff R., Nowak Barbara, Moltschaniwskyj Natalie A., Taylor Matthew D.
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences. 2019 35(2). p.359
Prospects for seascape repair: Three case studies from eastern Australia
Creighton Colin, Prahalad Vishnu N., McLeod Ian, Sheaves Marcus, Taylor Matthew D., Walshe Terry
Ecological Management & Restoration. 2019 20(3). p.182
Enhancing the performance of marine reserves in estuaries: Just add water
Gilby Ben L., Olds Andrew D., Yabsley Nicholas A., Connolly Rod M., Maxwell Paul S., Schlacher Thomas A.
Biological Conservation. 2017 210 p.1
Policy solutions to facilitate restoration in coastal marine environments
Shumway Nicole, Bell-James Justine, Fitzsimons James A., Foster Rose, Gillies Chris, Lovelock Catherine E.
Marine Policy. 2021 134 p.104789
How many fish use mangroves? The 75% rule an ill‐defined and poorly validated concept
Sheaves Marcus
Fish and Fisheries. 2017 18(4). p.778
Catchment-derived stressors, recruitment, and fisheries productivity in an exploited penaeid shrimp
Taylor Matthew D., Loneragan Neil R.
Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2019 29 p.100628
Enhancing the robustness of a national assessment of the marine environment
Evans Karen, Bax Nicholas J., Smith David C.
Marine Policy. 2018 98 p.133
Recruitment and connectivity influence the role of seagrass as a penaeid nursery habitat in a wave dominated estuary
Taylor Matthew D., Fry Brian, Becker Alistair, Moltschaniwskyj Natalie
Science of The Total Environment. 2017 584-585 p.622
Lethal and sublethal effects of simultaneous exposure to hypoxia and aluminium on juvenile eastern school prawn
McLuckie Catherine, Moltschaniwskyj Natalie, Gaston Troy, Dunstan R. Hugh, Crompton Marcus, Taylor Matthew D.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2020 71(6). p.697
Criteria for effective regional scale catchment to reef management: A case study of Australia's Great Barrier Reef
Creighton Colin, Waterhouse Jane, Day Jon C., Brodie Jon
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2021 173 p.112882
The state of legislation and policy protecting Australia's mangrove and salt marsh and their ecosystem services
Rogers Kerrylee, Boon Paul I., Branigan Simon, Duke Norman C., Field Colin D., Fitzsimons James A., Kirkman Hugh, Mackenzie Jock R., Saintilan Neil
Marine Policy. 2016 72 p.139
Influence of physico-chemical and biotic factors on the distribution of a penaeid in a temperate estuary
Poh Brian, Tweedley James R., Chaplin Jennifer A., Trayler Kerry M., Crisp Jason A., Loneragan Neil R.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2019 218 p.70
Impacts of habitat repair on a spatially complex fishery
Camp Edward V., Lorenzen Kai, Taylor Matthew D.
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The ecological response of insectivorous bats to coastal lagoon degradation
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Biological Conservation. 2016 202 p.10
Charting two centuries of transformation in a coastal social-ecological system: A mixed methods approach
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Global Environmental Change. 2020 61 p.102058
Oceanography and Marine Biology An Annual Review V54 (2016)
Tweedley James, Warwick Richard, Potter Ian
Fish Biomass in Tropical Estuaries: Substantial Variation in Food Web Structure, Sources of Nutrition and Ecosystem-Supporting Processes
Sheaves Marcus, Baker Ronald, Abrantes Kátya G., Connolly Rod M.
Estuaries and Coasts. 2017 40(2). p.580
Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries (2022)
Cowley Paul D., Tweedley James R., Whitfield Alan K.
Factors influencing marked variations in the frequency and timing of bar breaching and salinity and oxygen regimes among normally-closed estuaries
Hoeksema Steeg D., Chuwen Ben M., Tweedley James R., Potter Ian C.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2018 208 p.205
Connectivity shapes delivery of multiple ecological benefits from restoration
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Biological Conservation. 2023 288 p.110358
Expanding fish productivity in Tasmanian saltmarsh wetlands through tidal reconnection and habitat repair
Prahalad Vishnu, Harrison-Day Violet, McQuillan Peter, Creighton Colin
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2019 70(1). p.140
Assessing the combined effects of catchment land use and runoff on estuarine fish assemblages
Goodridge Gaines Lucy A., Henderson Christopher J., Olds Andrew D., Ortodossi Nicholas L., Brook Thomas W., Hourigan Brandon J., Gilby Ben L.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2024 305 p.108873

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