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The hyporheic zone as an invertebrate refuge: a review of variability in space, time, taxa and behaviour

Rachel Stubbington
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- Author Affiliations

Biosciences, School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Trent University, Clifton Campus, Nottingham NG11 8NS, UK. Email:

Marine and Freshwater Research 63(4) 293-311
Submitted: 1 September 2011  Accepted: 15 November 2011   Published: 5 January 2012

140 articles found in Crossref database.

Insect conservation and Australia’s Inland Waters (2020)
New Tim R.
Effects of Hyporheic Exchange and Settlement on the Particle Size Distribution of Colloids
Zhang Zhongtian, Jin Guangqiu, Tang Hongwu, Shao Wenhui, Jiang Qihao, Zhou Xiaorong, Yuan Haiyu, Barry David Andrew
Transport in Porous Media. 2024 151(4). p.719
Tributary effects on the ecological responses of a regulated river to experimental floods
Consoli Gabriele, Haller Rudolf M., Doering Michael, Hashemi Saman, Robinson Christopher T.
Journal of Environmental Management. 2022 303 p.114122
Mayfly taxonomic and functional diversity in hydrologically extreme habitats of temporary pools in the Mediterranean karst intermittent rivers
Vilenica Marina, Rebrina Fran, Ružanović Lea, Rumišek Mario, Matoničkin Kepčija Renata, Brigić Andreja
Aquatic Sciences. 2024 86(2).
Increased depth to the water table during river drying decreases the resilience of Gammarus pulex and alters ecosystem function
Vander Vorste Ross, Mermillod‐Blondin F., Hervant F., Mons R., Forcellini M., Datry T.
Ecohydrology. 2016 9(7). p.1177
A bibliometric analysis of the invertebrates inhabiting the hyporheic zone: Too fragmented and biased knowledge?
Pascuale Daiana, Garello Nicolas A., Blettler Martín C.M., Rabuffetti Ana Pía, Espinola Luis A.
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology. 2024
Science and Management of Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams (SMIRES)
Datry Thibault, Singer Gabriel, Sauquet Eric, Jorda-Capdevila Dídac, Von Schiller Daniel, Stubbington Rachel, Magand Claire, Pařil Petr, Miliša Marko, Acuña Vicenç, Alves Maria Helena, Augeard Bénédicte, Brunke Matthias, Cid Núria, Csabai Zoltán, England Judy, Froebrich Jochen, Koundouri Phoebe, Lamouroux Nicolas, Martí Eugènia, Morais Manuela, Munné Antoni, Mutz Michael, Pesic Vladimir, Previšić Ana, Reynaud Arnaud, Robinson Christopher, Sadler Jonathan, Skoulikidis Nikos, Terrier Benoit, Tockner Klement, Vesely David, Zoppini Annamaria
Research Ideas and Outcomes. 2017 3 p.e21774
Characterization of the density and body size of a Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda) population in subsurface sediments reflects the sampling technique used
Stubbington Rachel, Hogan John-Paul, Wood Paul J.
Hydrobiologia. 2017 788(1). p.293
Effects of drying and orientation to perennial refuges on aquatic biodiversity across two basins differing in aridity
Gill Brian A., Sanabria Anthony, Gonzales Miranda, Carlson Stephanie M., Bogan Michael T.
Ecosphere. 2022 13(5).
Brook lamprey survival in the dry riverbed of an intermittent stream
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Journal of Arid Environments. 2019 166 p.83
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Ecohydrology. 2022 15(5).
Alpha and beta diversity of connected benthic–subsurface invertebrate communities respond to drying in dynamic river ecosystems
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Ecography. 2019 42(12). p.2060
How does sediment supply influence refugia availability in river widenings?
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Journal of Ecohydraulics. 2021 6(2). p.121
Environmental Cues Induce Dispersal and Burial in Crawling Water Beetle, Haliplus punctatus (Coleoptera: Haliplidae)
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Journal of Insect Behavior. 2019 32(3). p.236
Integrative analysis of stressor gradients reveals multiple discrete trait‐defined axes underlie community assembly
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Ecosphere. 2022 13(7).
The macroinvertebrate seedbank promotes community persistence in temporary rivers across climate zones
Stubbington Rachel, Datry Thibault
Freshwater Biology. 2013 58(6). p.1202
Drying duration and stream characteristics influence macroinvertebrate survivorship within the sediments of a temporary channel and exposed gravel bars of a connected perennial stream
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Hydrobiologia. 2018 814(1). p.121
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Ecosystem Services. 2021 52 p.101368
Aquatic–terrestrial interactions: Mosaics of intermittency, interconnectivity and temporality
LeRoy Carri J.
Functional Ecology. 2019 33(9). p.1583
Biodiversity and ecosystem purification service in an alluvial wetland
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Ecological Engineering. 2017 103 p.359
Grundlegende Erkenntnisse im Rahmen des Pilotprojekt Bad Deutsch-Altenburg – Die Bedeutung der Stromsohle und Uferzonen für ökologische Prozesse und Artengemeinschaften an einem stark regulierten Fluss, der Donau
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Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft. 2016 68(5-6). p.239
Estimates of resource transfer via winged adult insects from the hyporheic zone in a gravel‐bed river
Rahman Mirza A. T. M. Tanvir, Negishi Junjiro N., Akasaka Takumi, Nakamura Futoshi
Ecology and Evolution. 2021 11(9). p.4656
Transport of zinc ions in the hyporheic zone: Experiments and simulations
Jin Guangqiu, Zhang Zhongtian, Li Ruzhong, Chen Chen, Tang Hongwu, Li Ling, Barry D.A.
Advances in Water Resources. 2020 146 p.103775
Past hydraulics influence microhabitat selection by invertebrates and fish in hydropeaking rivers
Judes Clarisse, Capra Hervé, Gouraud Véronique, Pella Hervé, Lamouroux Nicolas
River Research and Applications. 2023 39(3). p.375
The effect of density‐driven flow on the transport of high‐concentration solutes in the hyporheic zone
Jin Guangqiu, Hao Yongfei, Wei Jie, Yang Yihang, Shen Xiaoxiao, Tang Hongwu, Li Ling
Hydrological Processes. 2021 35(1).
Mesocosm experiments reveal the direction of groundwater–surface water exchange alters the hyporheic refuge capacity under warming scenarios
Folegot Silvia, Krause Stefan, Mons Raphael, Hannah David M., Datry Thibault
Freshwater Biology. 2018 63(2). p.165
Biological indices to characterize community responses to drying in streams with contrasting flow permanence regimes
Sarremejane Romain, Stubbington Rachel, Dunbar Michael J., Westwood Christian G., England Judy
Ecological Indicators. 2019 107 p.105620
Taxon-specific sensitivities to flow intermittence reveal macroinvertebrates as potential bioindicators of intermittent rivers and streams
Miliša Marko, Stubbington Rachel, Datry Thibault, Cid Núria, Bonada Núria, Šumanović Marina, Milošević Djuradj
Science of The Total Environment. 2022 804 p.150022
The hyporheic zone as an invertebrate refuge during a fine sediment disturbance event
Milner Victoria S., Jones J. Iwan, Maddock Ian P., Bunting George C.
Ecohydrology. 2022 15(6).
Investigating the role of refuges and drift on the resilience of macroinvertebrate communities to drying conditions: An experiment in artificial streams
Doretto A., Piano E., Falasco E., Fenoglio S., Bruno M.C., Bona F.
River Research and Applications. 2018 34(7). p.777
Macroinvertebrate community responses to duration, intensity and timing of annual dry events in intermittent forested and pasture streams
Storey Richard
Aquatic Sciences. 2016 78(2). p.395
Variability of stream extents controlled by flow regime and network hydraulic scaling
Lapides Dana A., Leclerc Christine D., Moidu Hana, Dralle David N., Hahm W. Jesse
Hydrological Processes. 2021 35(3).
Flow intermittency affects structural and functional properties of macroinvertebrate communities in alpine streams
Chanut Pierre C. M., Drost Annemieke, Siebers Andre Robert, Paillex Amael, Robinson Christopher T.
Freshwater Biology. 2023 68(2). p.212
Vertical movements through subsurface stream sediments by benthic macroinvertebrates during experimental drying are influenced by sediment characteristics and species traits
Vadher Atish N., Leigh Catherine, Millett Jonathan, Stubbington Rachel, Wood Paul J.
Freshwater Biology. 2017 62(10). p.1730
Intermittent and perennial macroinvertebrate communities had similar richness but differed in species trait composition depending on flow duration
Kelso Julia E., Entrekin Sally A.
Hydrobiologia. 2018 807(1). p.189
The hyporheic zone and its functions: revision and research status in Neotropical regions
Mugnai R, Messana G, Di Lorenzo T
Brazilian Journal of Biology. 2015 75(3). p.524
Zero or not? Causes and consequences of zero‐flow stream gage readings
Zimmer Margaret A., Kaiser Kendra E., Blaszczak Joanna R., Zipper Samuel C., Hammond John C., Fritz Ken M., Costigan Katie H., Hosen Jacob, Godsey Sarah E., Allen George H., Kampf Stephanie, Burrows Ryan M., Krabbenhoft Corey A., Dodds Walter, Hale Rebecca, Olden Julian D., Shanafield Margaret, DelVecchia Amanda G., Ward Adam S., Mims Meryl C., Datry Thibault, Bogan Michael T., Boersma Kate S., Busch Michelle H., Jones C. Nathan, Burgin Amy J., Allen Daniel C.
WIREs Water. 2020 7(3).
Ingestion of Microplastics and Textile Cellulose Particles by Some Meiofaunal Taxa of an Urban Stream
Di Lorenzo Tiziana, Cabigliera Serena Benedetta, Martellini Tania, Laurati Marco, Chelazzi David, Cincinelli Alessandra
SSRN Electronic Journal . 2022
Effect of shifts in habitats and flow regime associated to water diversion for agriculture on the macroinvertebrate community of a small watershed
López-Rodríguez Manuel Jesús, Márquez Muñoz Carolina, Ripoll-Martín Eva, Tierno de Figueroa José Manuel
Aquatic Ecology. 2019 53(3). p.483
Ecological research and management of intermittent rivers: an historical review and future directions
Leigh Catherine, Boulton Andrew J., Courtwright Jennifer L., Fritz Ken, May Christine L., Walker Richard H., Datry Thibault
Freshwater Biology. 2016 61(8). p.1181
Life‐history traits are poor predictors of species responses to flow regime change in headwater streams
Carey Nicole, Chester Edwin T., Robson Belinda J.
Global Change Biology. 2021 27(15). p.3547
Benthic and hyporheic invertebrate assemblages along a gradient of increasing streambed colmation by fine sediment
Descloux Stephane, Datry Thibault, Marmonier Pierre
Aquatic Sciences. 2013 75(4). p.493
The diversity of annelids in subterranean waters: a case study from Poland
Dumnicka Elzbieta, Galas Joanna, Krodkiewska Mariola, Pociecha Agnieszka
Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. 2020 (421). p.16
Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams (2017)
Bogan Michael T., Chester Edwin T., Datry Thibault, Murphy Ashley L., Robson Belinda J., Ruhi Albert, Stubbington Rachel, Whitney James E.
Effects of experimental multi-season drought on abundance, richness, and beta diversity patterns in perennially flowing stream insect communities
Saffarinia P., Anderson K. E., Herbst D. B.
Hydrobiologia. 2022 849(4). p.879
The survival and behavioural responses of a near-shore chironomid and oligochaete to declining water levels and sandy substratum drying
Poznańska Małgorzata, Werner Dominika, Jabłońska-Barna Izabela, Kakareko Tomasz, Ung Duong Klaudia, Dzierżyńska-Białończyk Anna, Kobak Jarosław
Hydrobiologia. 2017 788(1). p.231
Temporal Effects of Groundwater on Physical and Biotic Components of a Karst Stream
Tang Tao, Guo Shuhan, Tan Lu, Li Tao, Burrows Ryan M., Cai Qinghua
Water. 2019 11(6). p.1299
Parallels and contrasts between intermittently freezing and drying streams: From individual adaptations to biodiversity variation
Tolonen Katri E., Picazo Félix, Vilmi Annika, Datry Thibault, Stubbington Rachel, Pařil Petr, Perez Rocha Mariana, Heino Jani
Freshwater Biology. 2019 64(10). p.1679
Structure, distribution patterns and ecological responses to hydrological changes in benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in a regulated semi-arid river: baseline for biomonitoring studies
Leiva Marta, Marchese Mercedes, Diodato Liliana
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2021 72(2). p.200
Dynamics of microbiotic patterns reveal surface water groundwater interactions in intermittent and perennial streams
Korbel K.L., Rutlidge H., Hose G.C., Eberhard S.M., Andersen M.S.
Science of The Total Environment. 2022 811 p.152380
Is the Hyporheic Zone Relevant beyond the Scientific Community?
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Water. 2019 11(11). p.2230
Considering multiple anthropogenic threats in the context of natural variability: Ecological processes in a regulated riverine ecosystem
Sinnatamby R. Niloshini, Mayer Bernhard, Kruk Mary K., Rood Stewart B., Farineau Anne, Post John R.
Ecohydrology. 2020 13(5).
Effects of urbanization-induced local alterations on the diversity and assemblage structure of macroinvertebrates in low-order streams
Bohus Attila, Gál Blanka, Barta Barbara, Szivák Ildikó, Karádi-Kovács Kata, Boda Pál, Padisák Judit, Schmera Dénes
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Environmental Sustainability. 2023 7(2). p.121
Resistance not resilience traits structure macroinvertebrate communities in newly drying stream sections
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Invertebrate communities of groundwater-dependent refugia with varying hydrology and riparian cover during a supraseasonal drought
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Role of the Hyporheic Zone in Increasing the Resilience of Mountain Streams Facing Intermittency
Bruno Maria Cristina, Doretto Alberto, Boano Fulvio, Ridolfi Luca, Fenoglio Stefano
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Isolation controls reestablishment mechanisms and post‐drying community structure in an intermittent stream
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Freshwater Invertebrate Life History Strategies for Surviving Desiccation
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Challenges, developments and perspectives in intermittent river ecology
Datry Thibault, Fritz Ken, Leigh Catherine
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Water Resources Research. 2017 53(8). p.6359
Non-perennial segments in river networks
Datry Thibault, Boulton Andrew J., Fritz Ken, Stubbington Rachel, Cid Nuria, Crabot Julie, Tockner Klement
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Flow alteration-ecology relationships in Ozark Highland streams: Consequences for fish, crayfish and macroinvertebrate assemblages
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Long-lasting effects of experimental flow intermittency on alpine stream macroinvertebrates (Val Roseg, Switzerland)
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Hydrobiologia. 2022 849(8). p.1931
Local hydrological conditions and spatial connectivity shape invertebrate communities after rewetting in temporary rivers
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Invertebrate communities in gravel-bed, braided rivers are highly resilient to flow intermittence
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A Review of the Hyporheic Zone, Stream Restoration, and Means to Enhance Denitrification
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Helophyte impacts on the response of hyporheic invertebrate communities to inundation events in intermittent streams
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Direct observations of the effect of fine sediment deposition on the vertical movement of Gammarus pulex (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) during substratum drying
Vadher Atish N., Millett Jonathan, Wood Paul J.
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Changes in the vertical distribution of hyporheic and benthic fauna associated with low flow conditions in the headwaters of the Tafna river (northwest Algeria)
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The effects of a sediment flushing on Alpine macroinvertebrate communities
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Drought in intermittent river and ephemeral stream networks
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Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams (2017)
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Responses of resources and consumers to experimental flow pulses in a temporary Mediterranean stream
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Determinants of local and regional communities in intermittent and perennial headwaters of the Bolivian Amazon
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Species traits and channel architecture mediate flow disturbance impacts on invertebrate drift
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Encyclopedia of Inland Waters (2022)
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Changes in discharge affect more surface than subsurface breakdown of organic matter in a mountain stream
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Marine and Freshwater Research. 2016 67(12). p.1826
Fine sediment reduces vertical migrations of Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in response to surface water loss
Vadher Atish N., Stubbington Rachel, Wood Paul J.
Hydrobiologia. 2015 753(1). p.61
Ingestion of microplastics and textile cellulose particles by some meiofaunal taxa of an urban stream
Di Lorenzo Tiziana, Cabigliera Serena Benedetta, Martellini Tania, Laurati Marco, Chelazzi David, Galassi Diana Maria Paola, Cincinelli Alessandra
Chemosphere. 2023 310 p.136830
The duration of channel drying affects survival of Gammarus pulex (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) within subsurface sediments: an experimental flume study
Vadher Atish N., Millett Jonathan, Stubbington Rachel, Wood Paul J.
Hydrobiologia. 2018 820(1). p.165
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Do benthic invertebrates use hyporheic refuges during streambed drying? A manipulative field experiment in nested hyporheic flowpaths
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Changes in invertebrate assemblage composition in benthic and hyporheic zones during a severe supraseasonal drought
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The role of seedbanks and hyporheic refuges in supporting benthic invertebrate community resistance and resilience to dry phases
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Responses to desiccation vary among populations of an endemic freshwater isopod, Paramphisopus palustris
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Colonisation, emigration and equilibrium of stream invertebrates in patchy habitats
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