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Catchment modelling of sediment, nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient loads with SedNet/ANNEX in the Tully–Murray basin

J. D. Armour A B , L. R. Hateley A and G. L. Pitt A
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A Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water, Mareeba, Qld 4880, Australia.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Marine and Freshwater Research 60(11) 1091-1096
Submitted: 15 December 2008  Accepted: 1 September 2009   Published: 17 November 2009

56 articles found in Crossref database.

Adaptive management for water quality planning - from theory to practice
Eberhard Rachel, Robinson Catherine J., Waterhouse Jane, Parslow John, Hart Barry, Grayson Rodger, Taylor Bruce
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2009 60(11). p.1189
Integrating knowledge to inform water quality planning in the Tully - Murray basin, Australia
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Wooldridge Scott A., Brodie Jon E.
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2015 101(2). p.805
Biophysical status of remnant freshwater floodplain lagoons in the Great Barrier Reef catchment: a challenge for assessment and monitoring
Pearson R. G., Godfrey P. C., Arthington A. H., Wallace J., Karim F., Ellison M.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2013 64(3). p.208
Lessons Learned from Public Participation in Water Quality Improvement Planning: A Study from Australia
Bohnet Iris C.
Society & Natural Resources. 2015 28(2). p.180
Integrating economic drivers of social change into agricultural water quality improvement strategies
van Grieken Martijn E., Thomas Colette R., Roebeling Peter C., Thorburn Peter J.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2013 180 p.166
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Duan Weili, Takara Kaoru, He Bin, Luo Pingping, Nover Daniel, Yamashiki Yosuke
Science of The Total Environment. 2013 461-462 p.499
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Greiner Romy
Journal of Hydrology. 2014 509 p.1
Biodiversity values of remnant freshwater floodplain lagoons in agricultural catchments: evidence for fish of the Wet Tropics bioregion, northern Australia
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Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2015 25(3). p.336
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Fish larvae and recruitment patterns in floodplain lagoons of the Australian Wet Tropics
Godfrey Paul C., Arthington Angela H., Pearson Richard G., Karim Fazlul, Wallace Jim
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A Bayesian network model linking nutrient management actions in the Tully catchment (northern Queensland) with Great Barrier Reef condition
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Environmetrics. 2014 25(4). p.214

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