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Enric Cortés A
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A National Marine Fisheries Service, Panama City Laboratory, 3500 Delwood Beach Road, Panama City, FL 32408, USA. Email:

Marine and Freshwater Research 58(1) 4-6
Published: 30 January 2007

40 articles found in Crossref database.

Perspectives on the intrinsic rate of population growth
Cortés Enric, Travis Justin
Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2016 7(10). p.1136
Age and Growth of the Bull Shark in the Western North Atlantic Ocean
Natanson Lisa J., Adams Douglas H., Winton Megan V., Maurer Jasmine R.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 2014 143(3). p.732
A Re-Evaluation of the Size of the White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) Population off California, USA
Burgess George H., Bruce Barry D., Cailliet Gregor M., Goldman Kenneth J., Grubbs R. Dean, Lowe Christopher G., MacNeil M. Aaron, Mollet Henry F., Weng Kevin C., O'Sullivan John B., Connell Sean D.
PLoS ONE. 2014 9(6). p.e98078
Demography and elasticity of the diamond stingray, Dasyatis dipterura: parameter uncertainty and resilience to fishing pressure
Smith Wade D., Cailliet Gregor M., Cortés Enric
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2008 59(7). p.575
Field Iain C., Meekan Mark G., Buckworth Rik C., Bradshaw Corey J.A.
Validated age and growth estimates for Carcharhinus obscurus in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, with pre- and post management growth comparisons
Natanson Lisa J., Gervelis Brian J., Winton Megan V., Hamady Li Ling, Gulak Simon J. B., Carlson John K.
Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2014 97(8). p.881
Demography of a deep-sea lantern shark ( Etmopterus spinax ) caught in trawl fisheries of the northeastern Atlantic: Application of Leslie matrices with incorporated uncertainties
Coelho Rui, Alpizar-Jara Russell, Erzini Karim
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2015 115 p.64
Critical assessment and ramifications of a purported marine trophic cascade
Grubbs R. Dean, Carlson John K., Romine Jason G., Curtis Tobey H., McElroy W. David, McCandless Camilla T., Cotton Charles F., Musick John A.
Scientific Reports. 2016 6(1).
A method for evaluating the impacts of fishing mortality and stochastic influences on the demography of two long-lived shark stocks
McAuley Rory B., Simpfendorfer Colin A., Hall Norm G.
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2007 64(9). p.1710
Determining potential management strategies for the elasmobranchs bycatch of the Mexican shrimp trawl fishery of the Gulf of Mexico through a vulnerability analysis
Zea-de la Cruz Heber, Tovar-Ávila Javier, Meiners-Mandujano César, Jiménez-Badillo Lourdes, Oviedo-Pérez Jorge Luis
Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2021 42 p.101626
The current status and management of South Africa's chondrichthyan fisheries
da Silva C, Booth AJ, Dudley SFJ, Kerwath SE, Lamberth SJ, Leslie RW, McCord ME, Sauer WHH, Zweig T
African Journal of Marine Science. 2015 37(2). p.233
Data‐limited approach to the management and conservation of the pelagic thresher shark in the Northwest Pacific
Tsai Wen‐Pei, Huang Chia‐Han
Conservation Science and Practice. 2022 4(6).
Using rapid assessment and demographic methods to evaluate the effects of fishing on Heterodontus portusjacksoni off far‐eastern Victoria, Australia
Tovar‐Ávila J., Day R. W., Walker T. I.
Journal of Fish Biology. 2010 77(7). p.1564
More analytical bite in estimating targets for shark harvest
Bradshaw CJA, Field IC, McMahon CR, Johnson GJ, Meekan MG, Buckworth RC
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2013 488 p.221
Modeling the population dynamics of lemon sharks
White Easton R, Nagy John D, Gruber Samuel H
Biology Direct. 2014 9(1). p.23
Demographic and risk analyses of spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi) in the Gulf of Alaska using age- and stage-based population models
Tribuzio Cindy A., Kruse Gordon H.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2011 62(12). p.1395
New abbreviated calculation for measuring intrinsic rebound potential in exploited fish populations — example for sharks
Au David W., Smith Susan E., Show Christina, Trenkel Verena
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2015 72(5). p.767
Growth Modeling of the Giant Electric Ray Narcine entemedor in the Southern Gulf of California: Analyzing the Uncertainty of Three Data Sets
Mora-Zamacona Pablo, Melo-Barrera Felipe N., Cruz-Escalona Víctor H., Navia Andrés F., Morales-Bojórquez Enrique, Pérez-Palafox Xchel A., Mejía-Falla Paola A.
Animals. 2021 12(1). p.19
Age and growth of Pacific cownose ray,
Pabón-Aldana Karen A., Melo-Barrera Felipe N., Pérez-Palafox Xchel A., Navia Andrés F., Cruz-Escalona Víctor H., Mejía-Falla Paola A., Simpfendorfer Colin
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2022 73(8). p.1011
Demographic analysis of the night shark (Carcharhinus signatus, Poey, 1868) in the equatorial Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
Santana Francisco Marcante, Duarte-Neto Paulo, Lessa Rosangela
Fisheries Research. 2009 100(3). p.210
Shark and ray life history
Simpfendorfer Colin A., Wetherbee Bradley
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2015 66(4). p.i
Age and Growth of the Common Thresher Shark in the Western North Atlantic Ocean
Gervelis Brian J., Natanson Lisa J.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 2013 142(6). p.1535
Comparative Demography of Skates: Life-History Correlates of Productivity and Implications for Management
Barnett Lewis A. K., Winton Megan V., Ainsley Shaara M., Cailliet Gregor M., Ebert David A., Stergiou Konstantinos I.
PLoS ONE. 2013 8(5). p.e65000
Estimation of the population status of smooth hammerhead shark (Sphyrna zygaena) and scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean: A data-limited approach
Huynh Hoang Huy, Tsai Wen-Pei
Journal of Sea Research. 2023 195 p.102434
Population structure and residency patterns of the blacktip reef shark Carcharhinus melanopterus in turbid coastal environments
Chin A., Tobin A. J., Heupel M. R., Simpfendorfer C. A.
Journal of Fish Biology. 2013 82(4). p.1192
Destined to decline? Intrinsic susceptibility of the threatened estuary stingray to anthropogenic impacts
Pierce Simon J., Bennett Michael B.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2010 61(12). p.1468
Estimating thresholds to optimal harvest rate for long-lived, low-fecundity sharks accounting for selectivity and density dependence in recruitment
Chen Yong, Forrest Robyn E., Walters Carl J.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2009 66(12). p.2062
Length-based growth, maturity and natural mortality of the cockfish Callorhinchus callorhynchus (Linnaeus, 1758) off Coquimbo, Chile
Alarcón Carolina, Cubillos Luis A., Acuña Enzo
Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2011 92(1). p.65
Recovery potential of smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata, in the United States determined using population viability models
Carlson John K., Simpfendorfer Colin A.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2015 25(2). p.187
Demographic analysis of the pelagic thresher shark, Alopias pelagicus, in the north-western Pacific using a stochastic stage-based model
Tsai Wen-Pei, Liu Kwang-Ming, Joung Shoou-Jeng
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2010 61(9). p.1056
Demographic analysis of the shortfin mako shark, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the Northwest Pacific using a two-sex stage-based matrix model
Tsai Wen-Pei, Sun Chi-Lu, Punt André E., Liu Kwang-Ming
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2014 71(7). p.1604
Age and growth of the banded guitarfish Zapteryx exasperata (Chondrichthyes: Trygonorrhinidae)
Cervantes-Gutiérrez Fabián, Tovar-Ávila Javier, Galván-Magaña Felipe
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2018 69(1). p.66
Is a Global Quantitative Assessment of Shark Populations Warranted?
Braccini Matias
Fisheries. 2015 40(10). p.492
Patterns of extirpation. I. Changes in habitat use by thornback rays Raja clavata in the German Bight for 1902-1908, 1930-1932, and 1991-2009
Fock HO
Endangered Species Research. 2014 25(3). p.197
Shortfin mako hot sets – Defining high bycatch conditions as a basis for bycatch mitigation
O’Farrell Halie B., Babcock Elizabeth A.
Fisheries Research. 2021 244 p.106123
Perspectives on elasmobranch life‐history studies: a focus on age validation and relevance to fishery management
Cailliet G. M.
Journal of Fish Biology. 2015 87(6). p.1271
Distribution and length composition of lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) in a nursery ground in southern Cuba
Ruiz-Abierno Alexei, Márquez-Farías J. Fernando, Hueter Robert E., Macías-Romero Lázaro, Barros-García J. Manuel, García-Córdova Lisandra, Hurtado Andrés, Miller Valerie
Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2020 103(12). p.1583
Current knowledge on biology, fishing and conservation of the blue shark (Prionace glauca)
da Silva Thaísy Emmanuelle Florentino, Lessa Rosangela, Santana Francisco Marcante
Neotropical Biology and Conservation. 2021 16(1). p.71
Science or Slaughter: Need for Lethal Sampling of Sharks
Conservation Biology. 2010 24(5). p.1212
Ray bycatch in a tropical shrimp fishery: Do Bycatch Reduction Devices and Turtle Excluder Devices effectively exclude rays?
Willems Tomas, Depestele Jochen, De Backer Annelies, Hostens Kris
Fisheries Research. 2016 175 p.35

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