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Organic iron(iii) speciation in surface transects across a frontal zone: the Chatham Rise, New Zealand

Feng Tian A C , Russell D. Frew A , Sylvia Sander A , Keith A. Hunter A and Michael J. Ellwood B
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A Department of Chemistry, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

B National Institute of Water and Atmosphere, Hillcrest, Hamilton, New Zealand.

C Corresponding author. Email:

Marine and Freshwater Research 57(5) 533-544
Submitted: 20 October 2005  Accepted: 5 May 2006   Published: 13 July 2006

25 articles found in Crossref database.

Iron-binding ligands and their role in the ocean biogeochemistry of iron
Hunter Keith A., Boyd Philip W.
Environmental Chemistry. 2007 4(4). p.221
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Marine Chemistry. 2011 126(1-4). p.97
A Compilation of Iron Speciation Data for Open Oceanic Waters
Caprara Salvatore, Buck Kristen N., Gerringa Loes J. A., Rijkenberg Micha J. A., Monticelli Damiano
Frontiers in Marine Science. 2016 3
Phytoplankton dynamics, growth and microzooplankton grazing across the subtropical frontal zone, east of New Zealand
Safi Karl A., Rodríguez Andrés Gutiérrez, Hall Julie A., Pinkerton Matthew H.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2023 208 p.105271
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Frew R. D., Adu T., Gault-Ringold M., Hamidian A., Currie K. I., Armstrong E., Hunter K. A.
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Vertical distributions of iron-(III) complexing ligands in the Southern Ocean
Ibisanmi Enitan, Sander Sylvia G., Boyd Philip W., Bowie Andrew R., Hunter Keith A.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2011 58(21-22). p.2113
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Marine Chemistry. 2009 114(1-2). p.1
Identifying potential sources of iron-binding ligands in coastal Antarctic environments and the wider Southern Ocean
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