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Fluctuating asymmetry in fish otoliths and heterozygosity in stressful estuarine environments (West Africa)

Jacques Panfili A D , Jean-Dominique Durand A , Khady Diop A , Béatrice Gourène B and Monique Simier C
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A IRD, B.P. 1386, 18524 Dakar, Senegal.

B Université d’Abobo-Adjamé, 02 BP 801, Abidjan 02, Ivory Coast.

C Centre de Recherche Halieutique IFREMER/IRD, avenue Jean Monnet, B.P. 171, 34203 Sète Cedex, France.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Marine and Freshwater Research 56(5) 505-516
Submitted: 12 July 2004  Accepted: 2 March 2005   Published: 21 July 2005

26 articles found in Crossref database.

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