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Variation in structural attributes of patch-forming corals and in patterns of abundance of associated fishes

Sally J. Holbrook, Andrew J. Brooks and Russell J. Schmitt
53(7) pp.1045 - 1053

62 articles found in Crossref database.

Strong effects of coral species on the diversity and structure of reef fish communities: A multi-scale analysis
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Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2022 10
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Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2022 289(1984).
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Turbulence and Coral Reefs
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Annual Review of Marine Science. 2021 13(1). p.343
Comparative analysis of habitat use and ontogenetic habitat-shifts among coral reef damselfishes
Komyakova V., Munday P. L., Jones G. P.
Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2019 102(9). p.1201
Fish Assemblage Structure in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Is Associated with the Architectural Complexity of Coral-Reef Habitats
Fukunaga Atsuko, Kosaki Randall K., Pascoe Kailey H., Burns John H. R.
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Coral mutualists enhance fish abundance and diversity through a morphology-mediated facilitation cascade
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An evaluation of the use of branching fire-corals (Millepora spp.) as refuge by reef fish in the Abrolhos Bank, eastern Brazil
Coni Ericka Oliveira Cavalcanti, Ferreira Camilo Moitinho, de Moura Rodrigo Leão, Meirelles Pedro Milet, Kaufman Les, Francini-Filho Ronaldo Bastos
Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2013 96(1). p.45
Coral identity and structural complexity drive habitat associations and demographic processes for an increasingly important Caribbean herbivore
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Habitat biodiversity as a determinant of fish community structure on coral reefs
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Hydrodynamics influence coral performance through simultaneous direct and indirect effects
Lenihan Hunter S., Hench James L., Holbrook Sally J., Schmitt Russell J., Potoski Matthew
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Reef Fishes in Biodiversity Hotspots Are at Greatest Risk from Loss of Coral Species
Holbrook Sally J., Schmitt Russell J., Messmer Vanessa, Brooks Andrew J., Srinivasan Maya, Munday Philip L., Jones Geoffrey P., Ferse Sebastian C. A.
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Contrasting patterns in habitat selection and recruitment of temperate reef fishes among natural and artificial reefs
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Adam Thomas C., Brooks Andrew J., Holbrook Sally J., Schmitt Russell J., Washburn Libe, Bernardi Giacomo
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Community structure of temperate reef fishes in kelp-dominated subtidal habitats of northern Chile
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Tube-dwelling coral symbionts induce significant morphological change in Montipora
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Fish communities on staghorn coral: effects of habitat characteristics and resident farmerfishes
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Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2011 91(4). p.429

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