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Global overview of the major constituent-based billfish tagging programs and their results since 1954

Mauricio Ortiz, Eric D. Prince, Joseph E. Serafy, David B. Holts, Kay B. Davy, Julian G. Pepperell, Michael B. Lowry and John C. Holdsworth
54(4) pp.489 - 507

88 articles found in Crossref database.

Sampling mobile oceanic fishes and sharks: implications for fisheries and conservation planning
Letessier Tom B., Bouchet Phil J., Meeuwig Jessica J.
Biological Reviews. 2017 92(2). p.627
Global Challenges in Recreational Fisheries (2008)
Schramm Harold L.
Habitat and food partitioning of billfishes (Xiphioidei)
Shimose T., Yokawa K., Saito H.
Journal of Fish Biology. 2010 76(10). p.2418
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Wells R.J. David, Rooker Jay R., Prince Eric D.
Fisheries Research. 2010 106(3). p.430
Investigating Behaviour and Population Dynamics of Striped Marlin (Kajikia audax) from the Southwest Pacific Ocean with Satellite Tags
Sippel Tim, Holdsworth John, Dennis Todd, Montgomery John, Soares Daphne
PLoS ONE. 2011 6(6). p.e21087
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Ferrette Bruno Lopes da Silva, Mourato Bruno, Hazin Fábio Hissa Vieira, Arocha Freddy, Williams Samuel Mackey, Rodrigues Junior Carlos Egberto, Porto-Foresti Fábio, de Amorim Alberto Ferreira, Rotundo Matheus Marcos, Coelho Rui, Hoolihan John P., Sow Fambaye Ngom, Diaha N’guessan Constance, Romanov Evgeny V., Domingues Rodrigo Rodrigues, Oliveira Claudio, Foresti Fausto, Mendonça Fernando Fernandes
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Determining summer residence status and vertical habitat use of sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) in the Arabian Gulf
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ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2007 64(9). p.1791
Distribution and Habitat Associations of Billfish and Swordfish Larvae across Mesoscale Features in the Gulf of Mexico
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PLoS ONE. 2012 7(4). p.e34180
Age and growth of larval Atlantic sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus
Luthy Stacy A., Serafy Joseph E., Cowen Robert K., Denit Kelly L., Sponaugle Su
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A citizen science approach to enhance dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) data collection to improve species management
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Population structure of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in the Pacific Ocean based on analysis of microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA
McDowell Jan R., Graves John E.
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Spatio‐temporal trends of sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus catch rates in relation to spawning ground and environmental factors in the equatorial and southwestern Atlantic Ocean
Mourato Bruno L., Hazin Fábio, Bigelow Keith, Musyl Michael, Carvalho Felipe, Hazin Humberto
Fisheries Oceanography. 2014 23(1). p.32
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Scientific Reports. 2018 8(1).
Preliminary observations of tag shedding, tag reporting, tag wounds, and tag biofouling for raggedtooth sharks (Carcharias taurus) tagged off the east coast of South Africa
Dicken M.L., Booth A.J., Smale M.J.
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2006 63(9). p.1640
Age determination and growth estimation from otolith micro-increments and fin spine sections of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the western North Pacific
Shimose Tamaki, Yokawa Kotaro, Tachihara Katsunori
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2015 66(12). p.1116
Seasonal and diel habitat use of blue marlin Makaira nigricans in the North Atlantic Ocean
Andrzejaczek Samantha, Mikles Chloe S, Dale Jonathan J, Castleton Michael, Block Barbara A, Scales Kylie
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African Journal of Marine Science. 2016 38(1). p.111
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Fisheries Research. 2015 166 p.163
Population dynamics and status of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in the western and central northern Pacific Ocean
Piner Kevin R., Lee Hui-Hua, Kimoto Ai, Taylor Ian G., Kanaiwa Minoru, Sun Chi-Lu
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Mercury in the Gulf of Mexico: Sources to receptors
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Movement ecology of black marlin Istiompax indica in the Western Indian Ocean
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Insights into the horizontal movements, migration patterns, and stock affiliation of California swordfish
Sepulveda Chugey A., Wang Michael, Aalbers Scott A., Alvarado-Bremer Jaime R.
Fisheries Oceanography. 2020 29(2). p.152
Seascape Genomics and Phylogeography of the Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus)
Ferrette Bruno Lopes da Silva, Coimbra Raphael T F, Winter Sven, De Jong Menno J, Williams Samuel Mackey, Coelho Rui, Rosa Daniela, Rotundo Matheus Marcos, Arocha Freddy, Mourato Bruno Leite, Mendonça Fernando Fernandes, Janke Axel, Hoffmann Federico
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Fishery-independent and -dependent movement data aid in defining the stock structure of a data-deficient billfish
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Local management of a “highly migratory species”: The effects of long-line closures and recreational catch-and-release for Baja California striped marlin fisheries
Jensen Olaf P., Ortega-Garcia Sofia, Martell Steven J.D., Ahrens Robert N.M., Domeier Michael L., Walters Carl J., Kitchell James F.
Progress in Oceanography. 2010 86(1-2). p.176
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Hall David A.
Habitat characterization for striped marlin in the Pacific Ocean
Lam Chi Hin, Kiefer Dale A., Domeier Michael L.
Fisheries Research. 2015 166 p.80
Age and growth of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in the Southwest Pacific Ocean
Kopf R. Keller, Davie Peter S., Bromhead Donald, Pepperell Julian G.
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2011 68(9). p.1884
Larval dispersal and movement patterns of coral reef fishes, and implications for marine reserve network design
Green Alison L., Maypa Aileen P., Almany Glenn R., Rhodes Kevin L., Weeks Rebecca, Abesamis Rene A., Gleason Mary G., Mumby Peter J., White Alan T.
Biological Reviews. 2015 90(4). p.1215
Life history traits and fishery patterns of teleosts caught by the tuna longline fishery in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans
Lucena Frédou Flávia, Frédou Thierry, Gaertner Daniel, Kell Laurie, Potier Michel, Bach Pascal, Travassos Paulo, Hazin Fábio, Ménard Frédéric
Fisheries Research. 2016 179 p.308
Factors affecting recapture rates of raggedtooth sharksCarcharias taurustagged off the east coast of South Africa
Dicken M L, Booth A J, Smale M J
African Journal of Marine Science. 2009 31(3). p.365
First marlin archival tagging study suggests new direction for research
Domeier Michael L., Ortega-Garcia Sofia, Nasby-Lucas Nicole, Offield Paxson
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2019 70(4). p.603
Vertical habitat utilization by large pelagic animals: a quantitative framework and numerical method for use with pop‐up satellite tag data
Fisheries Oceanography. 2006 15(3). p.208
Effects of environmental factors on the spatio-temporal distribution of striped marlin catch rates off Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico
Ortega-García Sofía, Camacho-Bareño Edgardo, Martínez-Rincón Raúl O.
Fisheries Research. 2015 166 p.47
Analysis of sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) population structure in the North Pacific Ocean
Lu Ching-Ping, Alvarado Bremer Jaime R., McKenzie Jessica L., Chiang Wei-Chuan
Fisheries Research. 2015 166 p.33
Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) longevity estimates confirmed with bomb radiocarbon dating
Andrews Allen H., Humphreys Robert L., Sampaga Jeffery D.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2018 75(1). p.17
Spatial segregation by size of billfishes bycaught by the tuna purse-seine fishery in the Eastern Pacific Ocean
Crespo-Neto Osman, Díaz-Delgado Eric, Acosta-Pachón Tatiana A., Martínez-Rincón Raúl O.
Fisheries Research. 2021 241 p.106001
Genome‐wide SNPs resolve spatiotemporal patterns of connectivity within striped marlin (Kajikia audax), a broadly distributed and highly migratory pelagic species
Mamoozadeh Nadya R., Graves John E., McDowell Jan R.
Evolutionary Applications. 2020 13(4). p.677
Philopatry as a Tool to Define Tentative Closed Migration Cycles and Conservation Areas for Large Pelagic Fishes in the Pacific
Relano Veronica, Pauly Daniel
Sustainability. 2022 14(9). p.5577
Consistently low mercury concentrations in dolphinfish, Coryphaena hippurus, an oceanic pelagic predator
Adams Douglas H.
Environmental Research. 2009 109(6). p.697
Reproductive biology and spatiotemporal patterns of spawning in striped marlin Kajikia audax
Kopf R. K., Davie P. S., Bromhead D. B., Young J. W.
Journal of Fish Biology. 2012 81(6). p.1834
A review of the Oceanographic Research Institute's Cooperative Fish Tagging Project: 27 years down the line
Dunlop SW, Mann BQ, van der Elst RP
African Journal of Marine Science. 2013 35(2). p.209
An ensemble analysis to predict future habitats of striped marlin (Kajikia audax) in the North Pacific Ocean
Su Nan-Jay, Sun Chi-Lu, Punt André E., Yeh Su-Zan, DiNardo Gerard, Chang Yi-Jay
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2013 70(5). p.1013
Assessing billfish stocks: A review of current methods and some future directions
Punt André E., Su Nan-Jay, Sun Chi-Lu
Fisheries Research. 2015 166 p.103
Scientists and recreational fishers: Communication manners and its efficiency
Cardona-Pons Federico, Morales-Nin Beatriz, Sutton Stephen G.
Fisheries Research. 2010 106(3). p.575
Spatial genetic subdivision among populations of the highly migratory black marlin Istiompax indica within the central Indo-Pacific
Williams Samuel M., Bennett Michael B., Pepperell Julian G., Morgan Jess A. T., Ovenden Jennifer R.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2016 67(8). p.1205
MARINE RESERVES AND OCEAN NEIGHBORHOODS: The Spatial Scale of Marine Populations and Their Management
Palumbi Stephen R.
Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2004 29(1). p.31
Striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) movements and habitat utilization during a summer and autumn in the Southwest Pacific Ocean
Fisheries Oceanography. 2007 16(5). p.459
The Novel Application of Non-Lethal Citizen Science Tissue Sampling in Recreational Fisheries
Williams Samuel M., Holmes Bonnie J., Pepperell Julian G., Clark Timothy Darren
PLOS ONE. 2015 10(9). p.e0135743
Age and growth of Black marlin (Istiompax indica) off eastern Taiwan
Sun Chi-Lu, Yeh Su-Zan, Liu Chien-Shan, Su Nan-Jay, Chiang Wei-Chuan
Fisheries Research. 2015 166 p.4
Environmental influences on seasonal movement patterns and regional fidelity of striped marlin Kajikia audax in the Pacific Ocean
Su Nan-Jay, Sun Chi-Lu, Punt André E., Yeh Su-Zan, DiNardo Gerard
Fisheries Research. 2015 166 p.59
Ecological dispersal barrier across the equatorial Atlantic in a migratory planktonic copepod
Goetze Erica, Hüdepohl Patricia T., Chang Chantel, Van Woudenberg Lauren, Iacchei Matthew, Peijnenburg Katja T.C.A.
Progress in Oceanography. 2017 158 p.203
Comparing catch rate, conventional tagging, and acoustic telemetry data for understanding the migration patterns of coastal fishes
Potts Warren Mason, Winkler Alexander Claus, Parkinson Matthew Cameron, Santos Carmen Van Dunem, Sauer Warwick Hans Hugo, Childs Amber-Robyn
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2018 75(12). p.2364
Global habitat loss of a highly migratory predator, the blue marlin (Makaira nigricans)
Dale Jonathan J., Brodie Stephanie, Carlisle Aaron B., Castleton Michael, Hazen Elliott L., Bograd Steven J., Block Barbara A.
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Satellite telemetry reveals physical processes driving billfish behavior
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First insights into the movements and vertical habitat use of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the eastern North Atlantic
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Mourato Bruno L., Carvalho Felipe, Musyl Michael, Amorim Alberto, Pacheco Jose C., Hazin Humberto, Hazin Fábio
Neotropical Ichthyology. 2014 12(4). p.861
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Guillemin Tristan A., Pepperell Julian G., Gaston Troy, Williamson Jane E.
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Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2017 140 p.182
Horizontal movements of Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) in the Gulf of Mexico
Kraus Richard T., Wells R. J. David, Rooker Jay R.
Marine Biology. 2011 158(3). p.699
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Age estimation of billfishes (Kajikiaspp.) using fin spine cross-sections: the need for an international code of practice
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Ecosystem services “on the move” as a nature-based solution for financing the Global Biodiversity Framework
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Vertical and horizontal habitat use by white marlin Kajikia albida (Poey, 1860) in the western North Atlantic Ocean
Hoolihan John P., Luo Jiangang, Snodgrass Derke, Orbesen Eric S., Barse Ann M., Prince Eric D.
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2015 72(8). p.2364

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