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Seasonal and interannual variations in diatom assemblages in Murray River connected wetlands in north-west Victoria, Australia

Peter A. Gell, Ian R. Sluiter and Jennie Fluin
53(6) pp.981 - 992

78 articles found in Crossref database.

Late Holocene history of the floodplain lakes of the Cauca River, Colombia
Velez Maria Isabel, Martínez Jose Ignacio, Suter Fiore
Journal of Paleolimnology. 2013 49(4). p.591
Climate variability in south-eastern Australia over the last 1500 years inferred from the high-resolution diatom records of two crater lakes
Barr Cameron, Tibby John, Gell Peter, Tyler Jonathan, Zawadzki Atun, Jacobsen Geraldine E.
Quaternary Science Reviews. 2014 95 p.115
The palaeolimnological record from lake Cullulleraine, lower Murray River (south-east Australia): implications for understanding riverine histories
Fluin Jennie, Tibby John, Gell Peter
Journal of Paleolimnology. 2010 43(2). p.309
Applications of Paleoenvironmental Techniques in Estuarine Studies (2017)
Gell Peter A.
Late Holocene sea-level changes and paleoclimate recorded in Lake Lungué, southern Mozambique
Sitoe Sandra Raúl, Risberg Jan, Norström Elin, Westerberg Lars-Ove
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2017 485 p.305
Assessing change in floodplain wetland condition in the Murray Darling Basin, Australia
Gell Peter, Reid Michael
Anthropocene. 2014 8 p.39
First human impacts and responses of aquatic systems: A review of palaeolimnological records from around the world
Dubois Nathalie, Saulnier-Talbot Émilie, Mills Keely, Gell Peter, Battarbee Rick, Bennion Helen, Chawchai Sakonvan, Dong Xuhui, Francus Pierre, Flower Roger, Gomes Doriedson F, Gregory-Eaves Irene, Humane Sumedh, Kattel Giri, Jenny JeanPhilippe, Langdon Peter, Massaferro Julieta, McGowan Suzanne, Mikomägi Annika, Ngoc Nguyen Thi Minh, Ratnayake Amila Sandaruwan, Reid Michael, Rose Neil, Saros Jasmine, Schillereff Daniel, Tolotti Monica, Valero-Garcés Blas
The Anthropocene Review. 2018 5(1). p.28
Microbial mat and surface sediment communities from a shallow oxbow lake in the Colorado River floodplain, Argentina
Fayó Rocío, Pan Jerónimo, Espinosa Marcela A.
Geomicrobiology Journal. 2020 37(10). p.937
Taxonomic composition and seasonality of diatoms in three Dinaric karstic lakes in Croatia
Jasprica Nenad, Hafner Dubravka
Limnologica. 2005 35(4). p.304
Benthic diatom composition in isolated forested wetlands subject to drying: Implications for monitoring and assessment
Lane Charles R., Reiss Kelly C., DeCelles Susanna, Brown Mark T.
Ecological Indicators. 2009 9(6). p.1121
Wetland Techniques (2013)
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Diatom-based models for inferring water chemistry and hydrology in temporary depressional wetlands
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Hydrobiologia. 2017 797(1). p.127
Restoring Murray River floodplain wetlands: Does the sediment record inform on watering regime?
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River Research and Applications. 2020 36(4). p.620
The impact of regulation and salinisation on floodplain lakes: the lower River Murray, Australia
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Hydrobiologia. 2007 591(1). p.135
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River Research and Applications. 2006 22(2). p.167
Diatom distribution in natural and impacted cut-off meanders of the Allier River, France
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Diatom Research. 2014 29(2). p.119
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Ralph T. J., Kobayashi T., García A., Hesse P. P., Yonge D., Bleakley N., Ingleton T.
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 2011 58(1). p.75
An 1800-year water-quality and vegetation record from Junction Park Billabong, Murray River, Australia: an assessment of European impacts and sensitivity to climate
Tibby J., Adamson K., Kershaw A. P.
Journal of Paleolimnology. 2020 63(2). p.159
Using long-term data to inform a decision pathway for restoration of ecosystem resilience
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Anthropocene. 2021 36 p.100315
A diatom dataset and diatom-salinity inference model for southeast Australian estuaries and coastal lakes
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Journal of Paleolimnology. 2011 46(4). p.525
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Diatom community structure and relationship with water quality in Lake Sibaya, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Kock A., Taylor J.C., Malherbe W.
South African Journal of Botany. 2019 123 p.161
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Tibby John, Gell Peter A., Fluin Jennie, Sluiter Ian R. K.
Hydrobiologia. 2007 591(1). p.207
Accessing limnological change and variability using fossil diatom assemblages, south‐east Australia
Gell P., Tibby J., Fluin J., Leahy P., Reid M., Adamson K., Bulpin S., MacGregor A., Wallbrink P., Hancock G., Walsh B.
River Research and Applications. 2005 21(2-3). p.257
Distribution of modern diatom assemblages among small playas
Boggs D. A., Gell P., Eliot I., Knott B.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2008 56(2). p.131
Recent views on river pollution and diatoms
Rimet Frédéric
Hydrobiologia. 2012 683(1). p.1
Tareena Billabong - a palaeolimnological history of an ever-changing wetland, Chowilla Floodplain, lower Murray - Darling Basin, Australia
Gell Peter A., Bulpin Sorell, Wallbrink Peter, Hancock Gary, Bickford Sophie
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2005 56(4). p.441
Distribution of Diatom, Macrophyte and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities Related to Spatial and Environmental Characteristics: The Example of a Cut-Off Meander of the River Allier (France)
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Cryptogamie, Algologie. 2015 36(3). p.323
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Neustupa Jiří, Černá Kateřina, Št’astný Jan
Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011 20(8). p.1695
Rapid change in early Holocene environments inferred from Lake Pupuke, Auckland City, New Zealand
Augustinus Paul, Bleakley Nerida, Deng Yanbin, Shane Phil, Cochran Ursula
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A model for inferring past conductivity in low salinity waters derived from Murray River (Australia) diatom plankton
Tibby John, Reid Michael A.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2004 55(6). p.597
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The effects of river floodwaters on floodplain wetland water quality and diatom assemblages
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Comparing interglacials in eastern Australia: A multi-proxy investigation of a new sedimentary record
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Quaternary Science Reviews. 2021 252 p.106750
A legacy of climate and catchment change: the real challenge for wetland management
Gell Peter, Mills Keely, Grundell Rosie
Hydrobiologia. 2013 708(1). p.133
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Ecohydrology. 2012 5(4). p.491
Muddied Waters: The Case for Mitigating Sediment and Nutrient Flux to Optimize Restoration Response in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
Gell Peter A., Reid Michael A.
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A Holocene Pollen and Diatom Record from Vanderlin Island, Gulf of Carpentaria, Lowland Tropical Australia
Prebble Matiu, Sim Robin, Finn Jan, Fink David
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Expanding the trait-based concept of benthic diatoms: Development of trait- and species-based indices for conductivity as the master variable of ecological status in continental saline lakes
Stenger-Kovács Csilla, Körmendi Kitti, Lengyel Edina, Abonyi András, Hajnal Éva, Szabó Beáta, Buczkó Krisztina, Padisák Judit
Ecological Indicators. 2018 95 p.63
Diatom succession dynamics controlled by multiple forces in a subtropical reservoir in southern China
Lei Yuanda, Du Xiaoqin, Wang Yasu, Chen Qiuju, Tang Hongqu, Jiang Shijun
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Spatial and temporal variation in algal-assemblage structure in isolated dryland river waterholes, Cooper Creek and Warrego River, Australia
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Development of diatom-based tools for assessing stream water quality in south-eastern Australia: assessment of environmental transfer functions
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How do abiotic environmental variables shape benthic diatom assemblages in subtropical streams?
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Biodiversity of diatom assemblages in a Mediterranean semiarid stream: implications for conservation
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Diatom-based reconstruction of Holocene hydrological changes along the Colorado River floodplain (northern Patagonia, Argentina)
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Recent human‐induced salinity changes in Ramsar‐listed Orielton Lagoon, south‐east Tasmania, Australia: a new approach for coastal lagoon conservation and management
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Multiproxy approach to track changes in the ecological condition of wetlands in the Gunbower Forest, a Ramsar site
Mall Neeraj, Gell Peter, Kattel Giri R., Gadd Patricia, Zawadzki Atun
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2022 73(10). p.1196
Using lake sediments to assess the long-term impacts of anthropogenic activity in tropical river deltas
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The Anthropocene Review. 2024 11(2). p.442
Diatoms as water quality indicators in the upper reaches of the Great Fish River, Eastern Cape, South Africa
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African Journal of Aquatic Science. 2015 40(4). p.321
Biases encountered in long-term monitoring studies of invertebrates and microflora: Australian examples of protocols, personnel, tools and site location
Greenslade Penelope, Florentine Singarayer K., Hansen Brigita D., Gell Peter A.
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Hydrological alterations as the major driver on environmental change in a floodplain Lake Poyang (China): Evidence from monitoring and sediment records
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Multiple environmental variables influence diatom assemblages across an arsenic gradient in 33 subarctic lakes near abandoned gold mines
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Interaction between a river and its wetland: evidence from the Murray River for spatial variability in diatom and radioisotope records
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An exploratory study of benthic diatom communities in stormwater ponds of different land uses and varying biocide contamination
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Middle Pleistocene palaeolimnology of a dammed tropical river: The Zarzal Formation, Cauca Valley, Colombia
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Ten complementary measures to assist with environmental watering programs in the Murray–Darling river system, Australia
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