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Sediment yield and impacts from river catchments to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon: a review

David T. Neil, Alan R. Orpin, Peter V. Ridd and Bofu Yu
53(4) pp.733 - 752

130 articles found in Crossref database.

Taphonomic signatures of turbid-zone reef development: Examples from Paluma Shoals and Lugger Shoal, inshore central Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Perry Christopher T., Smithers Scott G.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2006 242(1-2). p.1
Tropical view of Quaternary sequence stratigraphy: Siliciclastic accumulation on slopes east of the Great Barrier Reef since the Last Glacial Maximum
Page Michael C., Dickens Gerald R., Dunbar Gavin B.
Geology. 2003 31(11). p.1013
Sediment source changes over the last 250 years in a dry-tropical catchment, central Queensland, Australia
Hughes Andrew O., Olley Jon M., Croke Jacky C., McKergow Lucy A.
Geomorphology. 2009 104(3-4). p.262
Predicting the spatial patterns of hillslope sediment delivery to river channels in the Murrumbidgee catchment, Australia
Verstraeten Gert, Prosser Ian P., Fogarty Peter
Journal of Hydrology. 2007 334(3-4). p.440
Geomorphology of submerged reefs on the shelf edge of the Great Barrier Reef: The influence of oscillating Pleistocene sea-levels
Abbey Elizabeth, Webster Jody M., Beaman Robin J.
Marine Geology. 2011 288(1-4). p.61
Late Quaternary siliciclastic/carbonate sedimentation model for the Capricorn Channel, southern Great Barrier Reef province, Australia
Bostock H.C., Opdyke B.N., Gagan M.K., Fifield L.K.
Marine Geology. 2009 257(1-4). p.107
Internal structure and accretionary history of a nearshore, turbid-zone coral reef: Paluma Shoals, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Palmer S.E., Perry C.T., Smithers S.G., Gulliver P.
Marine Geology. 2010 276(1-4). p.14
Bio‐optical variability of the absorption and scattering properties of the Queensland inshore and reef waters, Australia
Blondeau‐Patissier D., Brando V. E., Oubelkheir K., Dekker A. G., Clementson L. A., Daniel P.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2009 114(C5).
Characteristics of ships' depression waves and associated sediment resuspension in Venice Lagoon, Italy
Rapaglia John, Zaggia Luca, Ricklefs Klaus, Gelinas Morgan, Bokuniewicz Henry
Journal of Marine Systems. 2011 85(1-2). p.45
Exposure of inshore corals to suspended sediments due to wave-resuspension and river plumes in the central Great Barrier Reef: A reappraisal
Orpin Alan R., Ridd Peter V.
Continental Shelf Research. 2012 47 p.55
Coral reefs of the turbid inner-shelf of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia: An environmental and geomorphic perspective on their occurrence, composition and growth
Browne N.K., Smithers S.G., Perry C.T.
Earth-Science Reviews. 2012 115(1-2). p.1
The cycling and fate of terrestrially-derived sediments and nutrients in the coastal zone of the Great Barrier Reef shelf
Alongi D.M., McKinnon A.D.
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2005 51(1-4). p.239
Variation in benthic communities of eastern Caribbean coral reefs in relation to surface sediment composition
Bégin Chantale, Wurzbacher Jessica, Côté Isabelle M.
Marine Biology. 2013 160(2). p.343
Nutrients in Australian tropical rivers: changes with agricultural development and implications for receiving environments
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Marine and Freshwater Research. 2005 56(3). p.279
Towards environmental management of water turbidity within open coastal waters of the Great Barrier Reef
Macdonald Rachael K., Ridd Peter V., Whinney James C., Larcombe Piers, Neil David T.
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2013 74(1). p.82
Tolerance of tropical seagrasses Zostera muelleri and Halophila ovalis to burial: Toward an understanding of threshold effects
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Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2019 218 p.131
Water quality guidelines for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area: a basis for development and preliminary values
Moss Andrew, Brodie Jon, Furnas Miles
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2005 51(1-4). p.76
Applying econometric techniques to hydrological problems in a large basin: Quantifying the rainfall–discharge relationship in the Burdekin, Queensland, Australia
Jarvis Diane, Stoeckl Natalie, Chaiechi Taha
Journal of Hydrology. 2013 496 p.107
Bank erosion and channel width change in a tropical catchment
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Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2008 33(14). p.2174
Influence of land runoff on rates and agents of bioerosion of coral substrates
Hutchings Pat, Peyrot-Clausade Mireille, Osnorno Alicia
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2005 51(1-4). p.438
Spatial variability of initial 230Th/232Th in modern Porites from the inshore region of the Great Barrier Reef
Clark Tara R., Zhao Jian-xin, Feng Yue-xing, Done Terry J., Jupiter Stacy, Lough Janice, Pandolfi John M.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2012 78 p.99
Coral Luminescence Identifies the Pacific Decadal Oscillation as a Primary Driver of River Runoff Variability Impacting the Southern Great Barrier Reef
Rodriguez-Ramirez Alberto, Grove Craig A., Zinke Jens, Pandolfi John M., Zhao Jian-xin, Dam Hans G.
PLoS ONE. 2014 9(1). p.e84305
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Fuller Ian C., Rutherfurd Ian D.
Coral skeletal δ15N reveals isotopic traces of an agricultural revolution
Marion Guy S., Dunbar Robert B., Mucciarone David A., Kremer James N., Lansing J. Stephen, Arthawiguna Alit
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2005 50(9). p.931
Supply limited sediment transport in a high‐discharge event of the tropical Burdekin River, North Queensland, Australia
Amos Kathryn J., Alexander Jan, Horn Anthony, Pocock Geoff D., Fielding Chris R.
Sedimentology. 2004 51(1). p.145
A benthic light index of water quality in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Canto Marites M., Fabricius Katharina E., Logan Murray, Lewis Stephen, McKinna Lachlan I.W., Robson Barbara J.
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2021 169 p.112539
Effects of suspended sediments, dissolved inorganic nutrients and salinity on fertilisation and embryo development in the coral Acropora millepora (Ehrenberg, 1834)
Humphrey C., Weber M., Lott C., Cooper T., Fabricius K.
Coral Reefs. 2008 27(4). p.837
Relating sediment impacts on coral reefs to watershed sources, processes and management: A review
Bartley Rebecca, Bainbridge Zoe T., Lewis Stephen E., Kroon Frederieke J., Wilkinson Scott N., Brodie Jon E., Silburn D. Mark
Science of The Total Environment. 2014 468-469 p.1138
Successive phases of Holocene reef flat development: Evidence from the mid- to outer Great Barrier Reef
Dechnik Belinda, Webster Jody M., Webb Gregory E., Nothdurft Luke, Zhao Jian-xin
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2017 466 p.221
Algal Turf Sediments and Sediment Production by Parrotfishes across the Continental Shelf of the Northern Great Barrier Reef
Tebbett Sterling B., Goatley Christopher H. R., Bellwood David R., Ferse Sebastian C. A.
PLOS ONE. 2017 12(1). p.e0170854
Validation of a spatially distributed erosion and sediment yield model (SedNet) with empirically derived data from a catchment adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon
Hughes Andrew O., Croke Jacky C.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2011 62(8). p.962
Species Richness and Community Structure on a High Latitude Reef: Implications for Conservation and Management
Jones Alison M., Berkelmans Ray, Houston Wayne
Diversity. 2011 3(3). p.329
Variation in canyon morphology on the Great Barrier Reef margin, north-eastern Australia: The influence of slope and barrier reefs
Puga-Bernabéu Ángel, Webster Jody M., Beaman Robin J., Guilbaud Vincent
Geomorphology. 2013 191 p.35
A Bayesian approach to understanding the key factors influencing temporal variability in stream water quality – a case study in the Great Barrier Reef catchments
Liu Shuci, Ryu Dongryeol, Webb J. Angus, Lintern Anna, Guo Danlu, Waters David, Western Andrew W.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 2021 25(5). p.2663
Macroalgal species richness and assemblage composition of the Great Barrier Reef seabed
Hurrey LP, Pitcher CR, Lovelock CE, Schmidt S
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2013 492 p.69
Holocene microbialite geochemistry records > 6000 years of secular influence of terrigenous flux on water quality for the southern Great Barrier Reef
Salas-Saavedra Marcos, Webb Gregory E., Sanborn Kelsey L., Zhao Jian-xin, Webster Jody M., Nothdurft Luke D., Nguyen Ai
Chemical Geology. 2022 604 p.120871
The eutrophication process in the lagoon systems of eastern Rio de janeiro investigated through the analysis of sedimentary phosphorus and historic of basin occupation
Alves Leandro, Nepomuceno Aguinaldo, Cerda Mauricio, Vogel Vinicius, da Silveira Lobo Marcello Andrade, Barrozo Vivian, Lamego Fernando
Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2024 71 p.103394
Demographic variability and long-term change in a coral reef sponge along a cross-shelf gradient of the Great Barrier Reef
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Marine and Freshwater Research. 2010 61(4). p.389
Fine sediments suppress detritivory on coral reefs
Tebbett Sterling B., Goatley Christopher H.R., Bellwood David R.
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2017 114(2). p.934
Bacterial iron oxide reduction in a terrigenous sediment-impacted tropical shallow marine carbonate system, north Jamaica
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Rapid vertical accretion on a ‘young’ shore-detached turbid zone reef: Offshore Paluma Shoals, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Perry C. T., Smithers S. G., Gulliver P.
Coral Reefs. 2013 32(4). p.1143
Refining fine sediment source identification through integration of spatial modelling, concentration monitoring and source tracing: A case study in the Great Barrier Reef catchments
Bainbridge Zoe, Olley Jon, Wilkinson Scott, Bartley Rebecca, Lewis Stephen, Dougall Cameron, Khan Sana, Kuhnert Petra, Burton Joanne
Science of The Total Environment. 2023 892 p.164731
Finite dispersal of a separative nepheloid plume by an internal hydraulic jump in a tropical mountainous river estuary
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Coral Ba/Ca records of sediment input to the fringing reef of the southshore of Moloka’i, Hawai’i over the last several decades
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Controls on channel deposits of highly variable rivers: Comparing hydrology and event deposits in the Burdekin River, Australia
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Distinguishing human and climate influences on the Columbia River: Changes in mean flow and sediment transport
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Water quality monitoring: a combined approach to investigate gradients of change in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
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Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2005 51(1-4). p.224
Carbonate and terrigenous sediment budgets for two inshore turbid reefs on the central Great Barrier Reef
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Marine Geology. 2013 346 p.101
Linkages between coral assemblages and coral proxies of terrestrial exposure along a cross-shelf gradient on the southern Great Barrier Reef
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Spatial and temporal variations in turbidity on two inshore turbid reefs on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
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Timescale dependent sedimentary record during the past 130 kyr from a tropical mixed siliciclastic–carbonate shelf edge and slope: Ashmore Trough (southern Gulf of Papua)
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Sedimentology. 2021 68(6). p.2606
The Influence of Carbonate Platforms on the Geomorphological Development of a Mixed Carbonate‐Siliciclastic Margin (Great Barrier Reef, Australia)
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Making management decisions in the face of uncertainty: a case study using the Burdekin catchment in the Great Barrier Reef
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Influence of climate fluctuations and changes in catchment land use on Late Holocene and modern beach-ridge sedimentation on a tropical macrotidal coast: Keppel Bay, Queensland, Australia
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An assessment of residence times of land-sourced contaminants in the Great Barrier Reef lagoon and the implications for management and reef recovery
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Scenario planning with linked land-sea models inform where forest conservation actions will promote coral reef resilience
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