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Zooplankton assemblages and hydrography in the spawning area of anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) off Río de la Plata estuary (Argentina–Uruguay)

María Delia Viñas, Rubén M. Negri, Fernando C. Ramírez and Daniel Hernández
53(6) pp.1031 - 1043

37 articles found in Crossref database.

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Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2019 99(4). p.785
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ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2004 61(4). p.667
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ZooKeys. 2016 552 p.1
An overview of physical and ecological processes in the Rio de la Plata Estuary
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Di Mauro R., Cepeda G., Capitanio F., Viñas M.D.
Journal of Sea Research. 2011 66(2). p.69
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Diaz Marina V., Pájaro Marcelo, Olivar M. Pilar, Martos Patricia, Macchi Gustavo J.
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Temperoni B., Vinas M. D., Diovisalvi N., Negri R.
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Parallel structure among environmental gradients and three trophic levels in a subarctic estuary
Speckman Suzann G., Piatt John F., Minte-Vera Carolina V., Parrish Julia K.
Progress in Oceanography. 2005 66(1). p.25
Spatial variation in life-history traits of Oithona spp. in a shallow temperate estuarine system (Río de la Plata, south-west Atlantic) during spring
Cepeda G. D., Di Mauro R. P., Hozbor M. C., Colleoni D. Cucchi, Hernández D., Viñas M. D.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2015 66(9). p.795

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