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Longfin eels need reserves: modelling the effects of commercial harvest on stocks of New Zealand eels

Simon D. Hoyle and Don J. Jellyman
53(5) pp.887 - 895

31 articles found in Crossref database.

Optimal management of the New Zealand longfin eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii)*
Doole Graeme J.
The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 2005 49(4). p.395
Vital population statistics based on length frequency analysis of the exploited Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) stock in the Kao-Ping River, southern Taiwan
Lin Y.-J., Tzeng W.-N.
Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2009 26(3). p.424
Impacts of longfin eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) on the behaviour of common bullies (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) held in captivity
Jellyman Donald J., Crow Shannan K., Robinson Peter
Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 2012 21(1). p.57
Growth of juvenile eels (Anguilla spp.) in lowland streams in New Zealand
Graynoth Eric, Taylor Mark
Fisheries Research. 2004 66(1). p.95
Catchment-scale stream network spatio-temporal models, applied to the freshwater stages of a diadromous fish species, longfin eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii)
Charsley Anthony R., Grüss Arnaud, Thorson James T., Rudd Merrill B., Crow Shannan K., David Bruno, Williams Erica K., Hoyle Simon D.
Fisheries Research. 2023 259 p.106583
Evaluation of the Japanese eel fishery in the lower reaches of the Kao-Ping River, southwestern Taiwan using a per-recruit analysis
Lin Yu-Jia, Chang Yi-Jay, Sun Chi-Lu, Tzeng Wann-Nian
Fisheries Research. 2010 106(3). p.329
Factors influencing juvenile eel (Anguillaspp.) survival in lowland New Zealand streams
Noth E. Gray, Francis R I. C. C., Jellyman D. J.
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 2008 42(2). p.153
A size‐age model based on bootstrapping and Bayesian approaches to assess population dynamics of Anguilla anguilla L. in semi‐closed lagoons
Aschonitis Vassilis G., Castaldelli Giuseppe, Lanzoni Mattia, Merighi Matteo, Gelli Fernando, Giari Luisa, Rossi Remigio, Fano Elisa A.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 2017 26(2). p.217
Environmental determinism of year‐to‐year recruitment variability of European eel Anguilla anguilla in a small coastal catchment, the Frémur River, north‐west France
Acou A., Legault A., Laffaille P., Feunteun E.
Journal of Fish Biology. 2009 74(9). p.1985
Waterfowl hunting wetlands as habitat for two New Zealand eel species
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New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 2022 49(1). p.67
Male Dominance in the New Zealand Longfin Eel Population of a New Zealand River: Probable Causes and Implications for Management
McCleave James D., Jellyman Donald J.
North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 2004 24(2). p.490
Eels and Humans (2014)
Jellyman Don
Enhanced growth of longfin eels,Anguilla dieffenbachii, transplanted into Lake Hawea, a high country lake in South Island, New Zealand
Beentjes Michael P., Jellyman Donald J.
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 2003 37(1). p.1
Diel and seasonal movements of radio-tagged freshwater eels, Anguilla spp., in two New Zealand streams
Jellyman Donald J., Sykes Julian R.E.
Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2003 66(2). p.143
Integrating field data into individual-based models of the migration of European eel larvae
Melià P, Schiavina M, Gatto M, Bonaventura L, Masina S, Casagrandi R
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2013 487 p.135
Sex Determination in Freshwater Eels and Management Options for Manipulation of Sex
Davey Andrew J. H., Jellyman Donald J.
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 2005 15(1-2). p.37
Diel and seasonal movements of silver eels, Anguilla dieffenbachii, emigrating from a lake subject to hydro‐electric control
Jellyman D. J., Unwin M. J.
Journal of Fish Biology. 2017 91(1). p.219
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Stewart Cohen, Harper Blake, Couper Jayde, Bury Sarah J., Sabadel Amandine
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Rhythmic activity of inshore migration of tropical freshwater glass eels of the genus Anguilla
Arai Takaomi, Sugeha Hagi Yulia, Limbong Daniel, Tsukamoto Katsumi
Environmental Biology of Fishes. 2020 103(11). p.1295
Effects of metamorphosis timing and the larval growth rate on the latitudinal distribution of sympatric freshwater eels, Anguilla japonica and A. marmorata, in the western North Pacific
Leander Nico Jose, Tzeng Wann-Nian, Yeh Nian-Tzu, Shen Kang-Ning, Han Yu-San
Zoological Studies. 2013 52(1).
Fine‐scale swimming movement and behaviour of female silver eels, Anguilla dieffenbachii, within a lake affected by hydro‐power generation
Jellyman D. J., Unwin M. J.
Fisheries Management and Ecology. 2019 26(1). p.57
Status of New Zealand fresh-water eel stocks and management initiatives
Jellyman Don J.
ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2007 64(7). p.1379
The influence of environmental cues on the activity of silver eels (Anguilla dieffenbachii) in Lake Manapouri, New Zealand
Stuart Rose E., Closs Gerard P., Lokman P. Mark, Jellyman Don
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 2019 53(2). p.169
Eels Biology, Monitoring, Management, Culture and Exploitation (2019)
Williams Erica, Zernack Anke, Boubée Jacques, Watene-Rawiri Erina
Growth differences between naturally recruited and stocked European eel Anguilla anguilla from different habitats in Lithuania
Lin Y.‐J., Ložys L., Shiao J.‐C., Iizuka Y., Tzeng W.‐N.
Journal of Fish Biology. 2007 71(6). p.1773
Thirteen novel ideas and underutilised resources to support progress towards a range‐wide American eel stock assessment
Cairns David K., Benchetrit José, Bernatchez Louis, Bornarel Virginie, Casselman John M., Castonguay Martin, Charsley Anthony R., Dorow Malte, Drouineau Hilaire, Frankowski Jens, Haro Alex, Hoyle Simon D., Knickle D. Craig, Koops Marten A., Poirier Luke A., Thorson James T., Young John, Zhu Xinhua
Fisheries Management and Ecology. 2022 29(5). p.516
Low levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in New Zealand eels reflect isolation from atmospheric sources
Holmqvist Niklas, Stenroth Patrik, Berglund Olof, Nyström Per, Olsson Karin, Jellyman Don, McIntosh Angus R., Larsson Per
Environmental Pollution. 2006 141(3). p.532
Eel Biology (2003)
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Recruitment of Anguilla spp. glass eels in the Waikato River, New Zealand. Evidence of declining migrations?
Jellyman D. J., Booker D. J., Watene E.
Journal of Fish Biology. 2009 74(9). p.2014
Physiological mechanism of osmoregulatory adaptation in anguillid eels
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Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 2018 44(2). p.423
Development of droplet digital Polymerase Chain Reaction assays for the detection of long-finned (Anguilla dieffenbachii) and short-finned (Anguilla australis) eels in environmental samples
Thomson-Laing Georgia, Parai Russleigh, Kelly Laura T., Pochon Xavier, Newnham Rewi, Vandergoes Marcus J., Howarth Jamie D., Wood Susanna A.
PeerJ. 2021 9 p.e12157

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