Microbiology Australia
Volume 29 Number 4 2008
Infections in Pregnancy and the Newborn
MA08174Serology testing for syphilis in pregnancy: is it still relevant?
Peter W Robertson
pp. 174-175
MA08176Congenital and perinatal cytomegalovirus (CMV): has diagnosis improved in 30 years?
Jonathan Howard, Beverley Hall and William Rawlinson
pp. 176-178
MA08179What happens when a baby dies: stillbirth investigations for infection and other aetiologies
S Chaudry, TY Khong, AK Charles and AD Keil
pp. 179-183
MA08184When a baby dies: stillbirth from the community perspective and what parents want to know
Emma Kirkwood and Ros Richardson
pp. 184-185
MA08186Longer-term outcomes of infections in pregnancy: pathogenesis of diabetes and other chronic infections
Maria E Craig and Kin-Chuen Leung
pp. 186-187
MA08194Diagnosis and treatment of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection in the newborn
Cheryl A Jones
pp. 194-196
MA08200Pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in pregnancy
Gillian M Scott, Alicia Steller, Shu Wang, Karen WW Teng and Sharon SW Chow
pp. 200-203
MA08208Goal setting and reality: maternal, perinatal and childhood malaria
Heather Jeffery
pp. 208-211