Microbiology Australia
Volume 29 Number 2 2008
Biosecurity and Biosafety for Microbiologists
MA08070The Australian Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Data Centre
Bronwyn Morrish and Eric Wenger
pp. 70-71
MA08072National Health Security Act 2007: registration of laboratories that hold Tier 1 and 2 agents
Letitia Toms and Gary Lum
pp. 72-74
MA08080The initial laboratory diagnosis of equine influenza in Australia in 2007
Martyn H Jeggo, Jef M Hammond and Peter D Kirkland
pp. 80-82
MA08082New gene technology certification guidelines
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR)
pp. 82-83
MA08084The WHO Collaborating Centre for Biosafety in Microbiology
Tony Della-Porta and Michael Catton
pp. 84-85
MA08089Health: how do we maintain the borders in the face of disease emergencies?
Greg Flaherty and Stewart Roberts
pp. 89-90
MA08091A mobile laboratory for real time analysis during forensic operations
Paul Roffey, Keith Norman and David Royds
pp. 91-94
MA08096Bacteriophage therapy: experience from the Eliava Institute, Georgia
Nina Chanishvili and Richard Sharp
pp. 96-101