Microbiology Australia
Volume 31 Number 2 2010
Biodiscovery and Industrial Applications of Microbial Resources
MA10051Biodiscovery and industrial applications of microbial resources
Ipek Kurtboke and Ian Mcreadie
pp. 51-52
MA10060Endophytes and the microbial genetics of traditional medicines
Kristin I Miller, Shane D Ingrey, Alfonsus Alvin, Man Yuen Daniel Sze, Basil D Roufogalis and Brett A Neilan
pp. 60-63
MA10077Large-scale recombinant protein production and structure-based drug design capabilities at CSIRO
G Lovrecz, G Dumsday and T Adams
pp. 77-78
MA10082Mitochondria, oxidative stress and the petite phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Anita Ayer, Ian W Dawes and Gabriel G Perrone
pp. 82-83
MA10084Biodiscovery of chemo preventatives of Alzheimer’s disease using yeast
Ian Mcreadie, Prashant Bharadwaj and Ralph Martins
pp. 84-85
MA10089Salmonella in food products – a vector for distribution of antibiotic resistance
Thi Thu Hao Van, Emily Teck Fong Gan, Peter M Smooker and Peter J Coloe
pp. 89-92
MA10093Fungal phospholipid metabolism for antifungal drug discovery
Tania C Sorrrell, Julianne T Djordjevic, Sharon CA Chen and Katrina A Jolliffe
pp. 93-94
MA10097A tribute to Professor Arnold L Demain – a lifetime in industrial microbiology
Margaret Britz
pp. 97-100