Microbiology Australia
Volume 32 Number 2 2011
Microbial Systematics
MA11064Taxonomic subcommittees and minimal standards for the description of prokaryotes
Martha E Trujillo
pp. 64-65
MA11066Prokaryotic taxonomy in the sequencing era and the role of MLSA in classification
Peter Kampfer and Stefanie P Glaeser
pp. 66-70
MA11086Metagenomics and beyond: new toolboxes for microbial systematics
Artem E Men, Susan Forrest and Kirby Siemering
pp. 86-89
MA11095Size does matter – distinguishing bacteriophages by genome length (and ‘breadth’)
Stephen T Abedon
pp. 95-96
MA11100Impact of DNA data on fungal and yeast taxonomy
Johannes Z Groenewald, Marizeth Groenewald and Pedro W Crous
pp. 100-104
MA11105World Federation for Culture Collections: professionals underpinning microbial systematics
Philippe Desmeth and Ipek Kurtboke
pp. 105-107
MA11111Real-time PCR for laboratory diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis
Joanna Cheng, Ian Carter, Liping Wang and Peter Taylor
pp. 111-112