Microbiology Australia
Volume 33 Number 1 2012
Plant Pathogens
MA12006Pre-breeding for disease resistance in wheat – the stagonospora nodorum blotch example
Manisha Shankar, Michael Francki and Rob Loughman
pp. 6-8
MA12012Microbial threat– a growing challenge for plant biosecurity
Simon McKirdy, Brendan Rodoni, Jane Moran and Shashi Sharma
pp. 12-14
MA12034Death by toxin net blotch disease of barley
Darren CJ Wong, Ismail A Ismail, Dale Godfrey and Amanda J Abe
pp. 34-35
MA12040Can we use crime scene investigation methods in plant pathology?
Dominie Wright and Mingpei You
pp. 40-41