APC-free Open Access

Does your institution have a Read and Publish agreement with CSIRO Publishing? Find out how to claim APC-free Open Access.

Many institutions have Open Access agreements with CSIRO Publishing, which means if you are at one of those institutions, you are eligible for Open Access publication in most of our journals at no additional cost.

These agreements were negotiated and funded by instituional libraries. Find out more about these agreements, eligible journals and participating institutions on our Read and Publish page.

Here are the steps to claim APC-free Open Access for your next research article.

workflow to claim APC-free Open Access

Step 1: Select corresponding author and institution

In ScholarOne, as the submitting author, enter the details of all other authors, and assign the corresponding author.

Important: Corresponding authors are eligible for Open Access under Read and Publish agreements. The corresponding author's institutional email address or affiliation must be listed correctly for the system to match them to a Read and Publish agreement.

Step 2: Eligibility picked up by corresponding author’s institution

Eligibility for APC-free Open Access will automatically be picked up on acceptance of your paper, provided the corresponding author’s institution has a Read and Publish agreement in place, and details have been entered correctly.

Step 3: Follow email to RightsLink

You will receive an email from the Copyright Clearance Centre / RightsLink with further instructions on how to claim Open Access and select the appropriate licence.

Step 4: Select “Claim Open Access”

In RightsLink, select the option “Claim Open Access at no cost to you” in RightsLink.

Further information may be provided on your institution’s preferred licence type.

Step 5: Select Open Access licence

Choose your Creative Commons Open Access licence:

  • CC BY-NC
  • CC BY

Find out more about Creative Commons licences.

The total due will display as 0.00 – in other words, you have selected Open Access free of any payment.

Step 6: Confirmation of APC-free Open Access

After completing your selection in RightsLink, you will receive an email to confirm your Open Access fees will be covered by your institution.

Congratulations: your paper will now be Open Access without any additional charges!