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Environmental Chemistry Environmental Chemistry Society
Environmental problems - Chemical approaches
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Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Volume 21 Number 7 2024

EN24062Influence of initial speciation of platinum and palladium on their accumulation and toxicity towards phytoplankton

Julien Michaud-Valcourt 0009-0002-8136-0480, Sylvie Blanc, Louis Courtois, Jelle Mertens, Séverine Le Faucheur and Claude Fortin 0000-0002-2479-1869

Diagram indicating the determined toxicity of the Pd and Pt complexes studied towards phytoplankton.

Environmental context. The increasing global demand for platinum and palladium for the development of new technologies will likely enhance their biogeochemical mobility. However, our understanding of the environmental risks of these metals remains incomplete. To help fill this knowledge gap, we determined the toxicity of various forms of platinum and palladium on a green alga. We found that palladium was more toxic than platinum and that platinum toxicity depended on the form tested. (Image credit: J. Michaud-Valcourt.)

Environmental context. Mercury (Hg) has been extensively used throughout human history, leaving a persistent environmental legacy that continues to present challenges for pollution management and public health. This highlight focuses on the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to enhance our knowledge of mercury’s historical uses and emissions, supporting more effective strategies to address its environmental and societal impacts.

This article belongs to the collection: Mercury in the environment.

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