Invertebrate Taxonomy
Volume 6 Number 2 1992
IT9920261Chemotaxonomy of marine sponges: Families Microcionidae, Raspailiidae and Axinellidae, and their relationships with other families in the orders Poecilosclerida and Axinellida (Porifera : Demospongiae)
JNA Hooper, RJ Capon, CP Keenan, DL Parry and N Smit
pp. 261-301
IT9920337Revision of the genus Isopeda Koch (Heteropodidae : Araneae) in Australia
DB Hirst
pp. 337-387
IT9920523Revision of the genus Neuroscelio Dodd, primitive Scelionids (Hymenoptera : Scelionidae) from Australia, with a discussion of the Ovipositor system of the tribe Gryonini
ID Galloway, AD Austin and L Masner
pp. 523-545