Integrative taxonomy of Teucriogethes pollen beetles (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Meligethinae), with implications on the systematics of the genus Teucrium (Lamiaceae)
Meike Liu

In highly specialised phytophagous insects, important insights on phylogeny of the involved insect group can be often inferred from the evolutionary history of their host plants, and vice-versa, as in the case for a new, peculiar species of pollen beetles, recently discovered in Central China (Hubei Province). This new species is described herein as Teucriogethes huangae Liu & Audisio, sp. nov., and information on its ecology and systematic position is provided. The new species, associated as larvae with a strongly isolated member of the genus Teucrium L. (Lamiaceae), T. ornatum Hemsl., exhibiting a problematic taxonomic position, represents in turn an isolated and morphologically rather aberrant taxon in its lineage, probably the largest in size (2.2–2.8 mm), and the first endemic representative of its genus in the whole Eastern Palaearctic. An updating of the taxonomic assessment of members of Teucriogethes and on possible evolutionary relationships with their larval host plants, based on an integrative taxonomy approach, is finally presented. A key to identification of all known species is also introduced.
Keywords: China, systematics, new species, identification key, host plants, parallel evolution, molecular phylogeny, pollen beetles.
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