Revision of the Australian species of the genus Apotomus Illiger (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Apotominae)
M Baehr
Invertebrate Taxonomy
3(5) 619 - 627
Published: 1989
The Australian members of Apotomus Illiger are revised. A lectotype for A. australis is designated, and proof is furnished that the single specimen of A. novaehollandiae Castelnau in the MCSN (Genoa) is the holotype of this taxon. However, A. novaehollandiae Castelnau and A. mastersii Macleay are synonymised with A. australis by virtue of their male genitalia and the lack of any stable exterior distinguishing characters. A. minor, sp. nov. from northwestern Australia is newly described. Because A. australis and A. minor are rather distinctly related and their distribution patterns are strikingly different, a double immigration of Apotomus stocks into Australia on separate pathways and at different times is supposed, the A. minor lineage being the younger element.
© CSIRO 1989