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Invertebrate Systematics Invertebrate Systematics Society
Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography

Systematics of the world genera of Cardiochilinae (Hymenoptera:Braconidae)

J. B. Whitfield, P. C. Dangerfield and A. D. Austin

Invertebrate Taxonomy 13(6) 917 - 976
Published: 1999


The genera of Cardiochilinae are revised on the basis of a phylogeneticanalysis of qualitative and morphometric characters. Partition homogeneitytesting was used to evaluate the congruence between qualitative andmorphometric data sets. Three most-parsimonious cladograms of 217.9 steps werefound when morphometric characters were ordered and fractionally reweighteddepending on the number of states. Sixteen monophyletic genera are recognisedfor the subfamily, with six described as new:Asiacardiochiles Telenga, stat. rev. (Australasian and Palaearctic), Austerocardiochiles, gen. nov. (typespecies: Cardiochiles pollinator Dangerfield & Austin) (Afrotropical, Oriental, Australasian and Palaearctic),Bohayella Belokobylskij (Afrotropical, Oriental,Australasian, Nearctic and Palaearctic), CardiochilesNees ab Esenbeck, s. str. (Cosmopolitan),Eurycardiochiles, gen. nov. (type species:C. occidentalis Dangerfield & Austin) (Australasianand Oriental), Gwenia, gen. nov. (type species:C.turneri Dangerfield & Austin) (Australasian),Hansonia Dangerfield (Neotropical),Hartemita Cameron (Oriental),Heteropteron Brullé (Neotropical),Hymenicis, gen. nov. (type species:C. noongarensis Dangerfield & Austin)(Australasian), Latitergum, gen. nov. (type species:C. areyongensis Dangerfield & Austin)(Australasian), Pseudcardiochilus Hedwig (Australasian and Palaearctic), PsilommiscusEnderlein, stat. rev.(Oriental), Retusigaster, gen. nov. (type species:C. rubidus Mao) (Nearctic and Palaearctic),Schoenlandella Cameron (Cosmopolitan) andToxoneuron Say (Afrotropical, Nearctic, Neotropical,introduced into Oriental). Wesmaelella Spinola andNeocardiochiles Szépligeti are placed as juniorsynonyms of Heteropteron.Cardiochiles ruficollis (Szépligeti), stat. rev.,is brought out of synonymy with C. saltator (F.), alectotype has been designated for S. testaceipes(Cameron) and Cardiochiles croceum (Cameron), comb. transferred to Phanerotoma Wesmael (Cheloninae).Diagnoses, information on distribution and hosts, and an illustrated key togenera are provided. After examination of all available holotypes, 169 of the182 described species are placed in the new generic classification.

© CSIRO 1999

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