New Asian pseudoscorpions improve the phylogenetic resolution of Garypinoidea (Pseudoscorpiones)
Zhizhong Gao A B , Feng Zhang B * and Mark S. Harvey
Handling Editor: Gonzalo Giribet
The recent subdivision of the pseudoscorpion family Garypinidae into three subfamilies, Garypininae, Amblyolpiinae and Protogarypininae, used a combination of molecular and morphological criteria. Newly obtained sequence data from several new garypinoid pseudoscorpions has helped clarify the relationships between various clades. Most importantly, we were able to include the type species of the family, Garypinus dimidiatus (L. Koch, 1873), and two additional species of Amblyolpium Simon, 1898, including A. shenzhou sp. nov. from southern China, which provided a better resolved phylogeny with Amblyolpium as sister to all other Garypinoidea. We raise the subfamily Amblyolpiinae to full family level, Amblyolpiidae stat. nov. In addition, we describe a new genus and species from the Himalayan Plateau, Absensus zhangi sp. nov., which has a morphological feature that allows placement in Amblyolpiidae.
Keywords: classification, identification key, molecular phylogeny, morphology, new genus, new species, new status, taxonomy.
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