Systematic revision, cladistics and biogeography of the genus Neogutierrezia Martínez (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) and its phylogenetic placement in Rutelinae based on structural alignment of 28S rDNA sequences
Federico C. Ocampo A B , Eider Ruiz-Manzanos A and Adriana E. Marvaldi AA Instituto de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas, CCT-CONICET Mendoza CC 507, Mendoza 5500, Argentina.
B Corresponding author. Email:
Invertebrate Systematics 24(1) 81-111
Submitted: 1 August 2009 Accepted: 5 March 2010 Published: 17 May 2010
The Argentinean endemic genus Neogutierrezia Martínez, 1953 (Scarabaeidae : Rutelinae) is revised and seven new species are described: N. bicolor Ocampo & Ruiz-Manzanos, sp. nov., N. chelii Ocampo & Ruiz-Manzanos, sp. nov., N. galileoi Ocampo & Ruiz-Manzanos, sp. nov., N. lagosae Ocampo & Ruiz-Manzanos, sp. nov., N. payuniensis Ocampo & Ruiz-Manzanos, sp. nov., N. scutata Ocampo & Ruiz-Manzanos, sp. nov. and N. variabilis Ocampo & Ruiz-Manzanos, sp. nov. Species status is proposed for N. affinis Martínez stat. nov., which was formerly considered as subspecies of N. mirabilis Martínez. The genus Neogutierrezia now includes 10 species distributed in the Monte biogeographic province in Argentina. In order to clarify the systematic placement of the genus Neogutierrezia, a molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed using structurally aligned 28S rDNA sequences (expansion segments D2 and D3) from 23 taxa in Scarabaeoidea, including two representative species of Neogutierrezia. This is the first report of an annotated secondary structure alignment of the D2 and D3 segments of 28S rRNA that spans a wide sample of scarabaeoids, providing a useful homology template for further phylogenetic reconstruction in these and closely related beetles. Results of the molecular parsimony analysis strongly indicate that the genus is closely related to members of the Rutelinae (Scarabaeidae), and thus Neogutierrezia Martínez is transferred from Melolonthinae: Pachydemini to Rutelinae, new placement. A morphological cladistic analysis of the genus was also undertaken, including all the 10 known species in the genus plus two outgroup taxa in Rutelinae, and based on 53 adult characters. The most-parsimonious cladogram provides evidence for the monophyly of the genus, which shows three main clades, distributed in Central Monte and Southern Monte. The adult morphology of the 10 species is described and a key is provided, along with illustrations of the diagnostic characters. The biogeography of species in the genus is discussed.
To all the curators and collection managers of the institutions listed in the material and methods section, and to Gastón Zurbarán for making material available for this research, we thank you very much! We thank Mary Liz Jameson for her critical review of the manuscript and most valuable comments. We also thank Aura Paucar (Bio-graphica International LLC) for her help and assistance with some of the line drawings that illustrate this work and Valeria Corbalán (IADIZA) for providing the base map for the species distribution. Federico Ocampo thanks David Hawks and John Heraty (University of California, Riverside) for the generous use of their molecular systematics laboratory and other resources and David Hawks for letting us to use some of the DNA sequences used in this work. This project was supported by NSF (The National Science Foundation, USA) through the following grants: PEET # 0118669, Biodiversity Surveys and Inventories # 0342189, DBI # 0500767, Advances in Biological Informatics # 0743783, and AToL # EF-0531768, and by CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina) through the following grants: PIP # 5766, PIP #112-200801-01869, and PIP # 112-200801-00162. The senior author thanks the University of Nebraska State Museum for providing funding to conduct field research in Argentina in 2005 and 2006. We all thank CONICET (Argentina) for its permanent support to our research. Federico Ocampo thanks the Instituto de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad de Cuyo for its ongoing support to his research.
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