Phylogenetic relationships within Philodromidae, with a taxonomic revision of Philodromus subgenus Artanes in the western Palearctic (Arachnida : Araneae)
Christoph MusterInstitute of Biology II, University of Leipzig, Talstrasse 33, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany. Email:
Invertebrate Systematics 23(2) 135-169
Submitted: 23 December 2008 Accepted: 26 March 2009 Published: 4 June 2009
The first quantitative phylogenetic analysis within the spider family Philodromidae (using 65 morphological characters from 40 ingroup taxa) does not corroborate Schick’s division into the tribes Thanatini (Apollophanes O. P.-Cambridge, 1898, Pelloctanes Schick, 1965, Thanatus C. L. Koch, 1837; Tibellus, Simon, 1875) and Philodromini (Ebo Keyserling, 1884, Philodromus Walckenaer, 1826; Rhysodromus Schick, 1965). Instead, Ebo is sister to all other genera in the family, and a fraction of Philodromus (the histrio species-group = Rhysodromus Schick) are contained with the Thanatini. The forgotten genus Artanes Thorell, 1870 constitutes a well-defined distal taxon in a clade that contains the majority of Philodromus species. Here Artanes is considered a subgenus of Philodromus, and includes the margaritatus and the poecilus species-groups. The western Palearctic species of the subgenus are revised. Twelve species are (re-)described, keyed and illustrated: Philodromus blanckei (Wunderlich, 1995) (first description of ♀); P. calidus Lucas, 1846; P. femurostriatus, sp. nov. from the eastern Mediterranean; P. fuscomarginatus (De Geer, 1778); P. johani, sp. nov. from Crete; P. laricium Simon, 1875, removed from synonymy with P. corticinus (C. L. Koch); P. maghrebi, sp. nov. from northern Africa (♀ only); P. margaritatus (Clerck, 1757); P. parietalis Simon, 1875; P. pentheri, sp. nov. from the Caspian region and Albania (♀ only); P. pinetorum, sp. nov. from the Mediterranean; and P. poecilus (Thorell, 1872).
This research received support from the SYNTHESYS Project which is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP6 ‘Structuring the European Research Area’ Program. The hospitality of the hosts Christoph Hörweg/Jürgen Gruber (NHWM) and Christine Rollard (MNHN) contributed to the success of this project. I gratefully acknowledge Waltraud Klepal and the team of the Ultrastructure Laboratory (University of Vienna) for advice and assistance with electron microscopy. This study would not have been possible without the generous loan of specimens from the following persons and institutions: Janet Beccaloni (BMNH), Theo Blick (Hummeltal), Robert Bosmans (CB), Jason Dunlop and Anja Friederichs (ZMHB), Karl Hermann Harms (Rheinstetten), Peter Jäger and Julia Altmann (SMF), Barbara Knoflach (CTh), Torbjörn Kronestedt (NHRS), Dmitri Logunov (The Manchester Museum), Stefan Otto (Leipzig), Norman Platnick (AMNH), Christine Rollard and Elise-Anne Leguin (MNHN), Katrin Schniebs (MTD), Johan van Keer (CJK), Jörg Wunderlich (CJW), and Zeghan Yilmaz (Uluda? University Bursa). Julia Altmann, Theo Blick, Dmitri Logunov, Mayumi Matsuda, Hirotsugu Ono and Marek Zabka were of great help in providing copies of rare and old literature. Thanks are due to Milan Řecáč for translation of a passage from Miller’s ‘Pavouci-Araneida’. Otto Kraus and Norman Platnick gave valuable advice on nomenclatorial problems. Barbara Knoflach and Otto Kraus commented on an earlier draft of the manuscript. My warmest thanks go to the late Konrad Thaler for the inspiration to this study.
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