Unravelling the relationships among Madrepora Linnaeus, 1758, Oculina Lamark, 1816 and Cladocora Ehrenberg, 1834 (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia)
Anna M. Addamo

Despite the widespread use of integrative taxonomic approaches, many scleractinian coral genera and species remain grouped in polyphyletic families, classified as incertae sedis or simply understudied. Oculinidae Gray, 1847 represents a family for which many taxonomic questions remain unresolved, particularly those related to some of the current genera, such as Oculina Lamark, 1816 or recently removed genera, including Cladocora Ehrenberg, 1834 and Madrepora Linnaeus, 1758. Cladocora is currently assigned to the family Cladocoridae Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857 and a new family, Bathyporidae Kitahara, Capel, Zilberberg & Cairns, 2024, was recently raised to accommodate Madrepora. However, the name Bathyporidae is not valid because this was not formed on the basis of a type genus name. To resolve taxonomic questions related to these three genera, the evolutionary relationships are explored through phylogenetic analyses of 18 molecular markers. The results of these analyses support a close relationship between the species Oculina patagonica and Cladocora caespitosa, indicating that these may belong to the same family (and possibly genus), and highlighting the need for detailed revisions of Oculina and Cladocora. By contrast, a distant relationship is found between these two species and Madrepora oculata, with the overall evidence supporting the placement of Madrepora in the resurrected family Madreporidae Ehrenberg, 1834. This study advances our knowledge of coral systematics and highlights the need for a comprehensive review of the genera Oculina, Cladocora and Madrepora.
Keywords: cold-water corals, incertae sedis, Mediterranean Sea, molecular markers, phylogeny reconstruction, polyphyly, systematics, taxonomy.
The taxonomic classification of scleractinian corals has traditionally been based on skeletal morphology that can be problematic due to a lack of distinct diagnostic characters (e.g. Budd et al. 2010; Zlatarski and Stake 2012; Kitahara et al. 2016). In recent decades, advances in molecular genetic approaches have led to new phylogenetic hypotheses, providing insight into the evolutionary history of different lineages of the two major clades of Scleractinia: ‘complex’ and ‘robust’ (Romano and Palumbi 1996), respectively corresponding to the suborders Refertina and Vacatina (Okubo 2016) (e.g. Budd et al. 2010; Zlatarski and Stake 2012; Kitahara et al. 2016: Campoy et al. 2020). Recent integrative taxonomic studies analysing both molecular and morphological characters (described from morphometric, microstructural and anatomical analyses of coralla and polyps) have also contributed to major advancements in coral systematics (see e.g. Addamo et al. 2016; Benzoni et al. 2018; Terraneo et al. 2019; Arrigoni et al. 2020; Campoy et al. 2020; Capel et al. 2020; Kitahara et al. 2020; Oku et al. 2020; Juszkiewicz et al. 2022; Ramírez-Portilla et al. 2022; Seiblitz et al. 2022). In the order Scleractinia, systematics have been improved at all levels, with proposed changes in nomenclature and classification following new knowledge on phylogenetic relationships of taxa.
Despite these advances, five subfamilies (Cyathophorinae Vaughan & Wells, 1943; Desmophyllinae Vaughan & Wells, 1943; Dichocoeniinae Vaughan & Wells, 1943; Montastreinae Vaughan & Wells, 1943, and Stylophorinae Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849), four extant genera (Bachytrochus Duncan, 1876, Coenastrea Etallon, 1862, Dendrocora Duncan, 1876 and Solenastrea Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848) and the seven associated extant species (Bachytrochus simplex Duncan, 1876, Cladorbicella taiwanensis Yabe & Ehara, 1936, Dendrocora fissipara Duncan, 1876, Solenastrea bournoni Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849, Solenastrea hyades Dana, 1846, Solenastrea ecuadoriana Durham and Barnard, 1952 and Solenastrea spongiformis Duncan, 1864) remain classified as Scleractinia incertae sedis (Hoeksema and Cairns 2023a). Moreover, although many recent phylogenetic studies of corals have shown high support for certain relationships, resolving some taxonomic questions, these have also rendered inadequate some taxonomic diagnostic characters and dichotomous keys used for identification and classification (e.g. Cairns and Kitahara 2012). For example, Gittenberger et al. (2011) and Benzoni et al. (2012) demonstrated that several life history traits of mushroom corals (Fungiidae), such as monostomatism v. polystomatism and attached v. free-living corallum, do not have the diagnostic value once ascribed. Similarly, following an in-depth genetic and morphological study of Desmophyllum Ehrenberg, 1834, the new classification and nomenclature proposed by Addamo et al. (2016) make the first character of the dichotomous key for azooxanthellate corals (colonial v. solitary) no longer reliable for diagnosis.
Reconciling taxonomy with systematics knowledge is a challenge in the field and inconsistent classifications based on historically used morphological characters or molecular markers have driven the search for new characters. For example, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) has generally been regarded as an only moderately useful marker for universal barcoding of corals (Meyer and Paulay 2005; Huang et al. 2008; Shearer and Coffroth 2008; Bucklin et al. 2011; Krishna Krishnamurthy and Francis 2012). As a result, other molecular markers have been used to both clarify phylogenetic relationships and serve as barcodes for species identifications across the Tree of Life (e.g. Nosenko et al. 2013). Commonly used markers for describing coral species and making phylogenetic inferences include mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal RNA (12S), large subunit ribosomal RNA (16S), COI and cytochrome b (CYTB), and also nuclear small ribosomal RNA subunit (18S), large ribosomal RNA subunit (28S) and the internal transcribed spacer regions (internal transcribed spacer 1–5.8S ribosomal DNA–internal transcribed spacer 2, hereafter denoted as ITS) (see e.g. Stolarski et al. 2011; Addamo et al. 2012). At the same time, genome-based approaches and studies that assess the suitability of individual molecular markers for phylogenetic and taxonomic analyses (Quattrini et al. 2018; Cowman et al. 2020; Quek et al. 2020; Untiedt et al. 2021; Seiblitz et al. 2022) have increased the availability of other types of markers. Indeed, the use of a wide range of molecular-based approaches is key to achieving the shared goal of a comprehensive phylogeny that is well supported at all taxonomic levels. For this reason, Sanger sequencing-based studies of a subset of loci still allow for a broader (and more accessible) approach that can be integrated with genome-wide and direct sequencing studies (Quek and Huang 2022).
In our study, the main aim is to infer the phylogenetic relationships 3 geographically widespread genera, Madrepora Linnaeus, 1758, Oculina Lamarck, 1816 and Cladocora Ehrenberg, 1834, using 4 commonly used markers and 14 newly developed ones. Oculina, with the extant genera Bathelia Moseley, 1880, Cyathelia Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849, Petrophyllia Conrad, 1855 and Schizoculina Wells, 1937 belong to the family Oculinidae Gray, 1847 (Hoeksema and Cairns 2023b). Madrepora was also a genus of Oculinidae until very recently when the monogeneric family Bathyporidae fam. nov. Kitahara, Capel, Zilberberg & Cairns, 2024 was proposed to accommodate the genus following a molecular phylogenomic study (Capel et al. 2024). However, when the analyses presented here were conducted, this was still within Oculinidae. Species within Oculinidae are described as being colonial and hermatypic or ahermatypic (including extant and fossil species) with thickened corallites that are linked by a smooth coenostum (Hoeksema and Cairns 2023b). Phylogenetic studies have shown the non-monophyly of Oculinidae, with some genera being more closely related to members of other families than to those of Oculinidae (Fukami et al. 2004; Kitahara et al. 2010; Campoy et al. 2020; Kitahara and Cairns 2021). For example, in a study based on 12 commonly used markers, Oculina resolved as closely related to Astrangia Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849 within Astrangiidae Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857 or to Cladocora (then considered as Scleractinia incertae sedis), whereas Madrepora resolved as distant from all other Oculinidae genera analysed (Kitahara et al. 2016; Capel et al. 2024). By contrast, the taxonomic status of Cladocora has changed several times. This was initially considered a genus of the family Faviidae Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857 (Veron 1995) (also see Peirano et al. 1999; Cuif et al. 2003; Rodolfo-Metalpa et al. 2006; Kružić and Benković 2008) but was transferred to Caryophylliidae Dana, 1890 on the basis of molecular and morphological markers (Romano and Cairns 2000; Cairns et al. 2001) (see also Kersting and Linares 2012; Caroselli and Goffredo 2014; El Kateb et al. 2016; Mačić et al. 2019). Following an exhaustive molecular phylogenetic reconstruction of Scleractinia, Fukami et al. (2008) proposed Cladocora as a genus of Oculinidae (see also Casado-Amezua et al. 2011; Kersting et al. 2013a, 2013b; Caroselli and Goffredo 2016) but Benzoni et al. (2011) classified the genus as Scleractinia incertae sedis pending further review. Cladocora remained incertae sedis until assigned to the family Cladocoridae Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857 in 2023 (Hoeksema and Cairns 2023c).
In this study, the type species Madrepora oculata Linnaeus, 1758 and Cladocora caespitosa (Linnaeus, 1767) were chosen to represent the respective genera. As neither samples nor sequencing data were available for Oculina virginea (Linnaeus, 1758), the type species of Oculina, Oculina patagonica de Angelis D’Ossat, 1908 was used to represent the genus. Madrepora oculata is a framework building, deep-water azooxanthellate coral that is distributed worldwide, except in polar regions (Roberts et al. 2009). Cladocora caespitosa is an endangered endemic shallow-water zooxanthellate species that is currently restricted to the Mediterranean Basin (Zibrowius 1980) that has been highly affected by climatic and more recent anthropogenic changes extending back to the Pliocene (Peirano et al. 1998). Oculina patagonica is a shallow-water zooxanthellate species (Zibrowius 1974) that has long been and continues to be considered a species that was likely introduced from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea during the most recent period, the Holocene (i.e. unofficial unit of geological times known as Anthropocene) (Zibrowius 1974, 1980; Zibrowius and Ramos 1983; Fine and Loya 1995; Bitar and Zibrowius 1997; Ballesteros et al. 1998; Çinar et al. 2006; Izquierdo et al. 2007; Sartoretto et al. 2008; Cvitković et al. 2013; Salomidi et al. 2013; Serrano et al. 2013; Rubio-Portillo et al. 2014a, 2014b; Schwindt et al. 2014; Terrón-Sigler et al. 2015; López et al. 2019; Cutajar et al. 2020; Martinez et al. 2021). However, molecular evidence suggests that O. patagonica is a native species that has become invasive within the range owing to environmental changes (Leydet and Hellberg 2015). In contrast to C. caespitosa that has a substantial fossil record, O. patagonica is unknown in the paleontological record of the Mediterranean basin (Vertino et al. 2014), although the species was described from fossil remains from South America (Zibrowius 1974). Regardless, this species seems to compete with C. caespitosa (Boudouresque 1994; Streftaris et al. 2005; Katsanevakis et al. 2012) that may have a negative effect on the long-term survival and conservation management of the latter species in the Mediterranean Sea.
Employing commonly used and newly developed molecular markers, this study aims to test the hypothesis that O. patagonica and C. caespitosa are closely related species that are distantly related to M. oculata that could indicate the need for taxonomic reassignments at multiple levels.
Sample collection and preservation
Some of the coral specimens analysed were freshly collected in the field and immediately stored in absolute ethanol for the molecular study. Most of the other analysed specimens, currently preserved in ethanol, were from specimens previously collected and stored in museum or personal collections. The specimens analysed represent 17 families, 54 genera and 103 species of scleractinians. Specimens included in this study are listed in Supplementary Table S1.
DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing
For all specimens, total genomic DNA (gDNA) was extracted either from entire polyps or mesenteric tissue using the Qiagen BioSprint 15 DNA Blood Kit, following the manufacturer’s protocol with slight modifications, including the optional RNase treatment and an overnight incubation in proteinase K lysis buffer at 55°C. DNA concentration was quantified using a Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer (ThermoFisher Scientific). Polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) were performed in a total volume of 50 μL containing 1× PCR Biotools Standard Reaction Buffer including 2 mM of MgCl2, 0.5 μM of forward and reverse primers, 0.2 mM of each dNTP, 1.5 U of DNA polymerase (Biotools) and 2 ng of template DNA. All reactions were run in a Veriti Thermal Cycler (Applied Biosystems). For the markers 16S, COI, 28S and ITS, thermocycling conditions described by Addamo et al. (2012) were used. For remaining markers, the ramped cycling profile described by Palumbi et al. (1991) was used, with some modifications: initial denaturation at 94°C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles at 94°C for 30 s, annealing at 48°C for 10 s and an up-ramp from 48 to 72°C for 2 min, and a final extension at 72°C for 10 min. When this profile did not amplify a specific PCR product, other starting annealing temperatures were tested (e.g. TA/R 45, 50, 52 or 56°C). Amplified products were visualised on 1.5% agarose gels. Sequencher (ver. 4.10.1, Gene Codes Corporation) was used to verify sequence chromatograms and trim primer sequences from alignments.
Phylogeny reconstructions
Phylogenetic analyses were based mainly on two concatenated data sets consisting of sequences of the following markers: (1) the widely used mitochondrial genes 16S and COI, and nuclear 28S and ITS; and (2) 7 of the 14 markers developed from a genome screen (Actin, AMPt1, AMPt2, ß-Actin, NAD3, NAD5 and SIAH1) (Table 1, see the ‘Description of the 14 markers developed from the genome screen’ section in the Supplementary material and Supplementary Tables S2–S3). These seven markers were selected because due to providing the most complete data set without including missing data (i.e. species without sequences for all included markers), thereby avoiding spurious results due to a lack of data. In addition, each gene was analysed individually. All new sequences were deposited in NCBI GenBank (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) under the following accession numbers (gene): MW139432–MW139480 (Actin); MW110483–MW110531 (AMPt1); MW139384–MW139431 (AMPt2); MW139592–MW139607 (ATP6/NAD4); MW139481–MW139511 (ß-Actin); MW110608–MW110632 (Creatine kinase); MW139577–MW139591 (Heat shock-like); MW139558–MW139576 (Helicase); MW139364–MW139383 (NAD3); MW139608–MW139642 (NAD5); MW110532–MW110556 (NCAH-like); MW139512–MW139557 (SIAH1) and MW110557–MW110566 (UBB). The new sequences of 16S rDNA (covering a different part of the 16S gene) and ITS were deposited under accession numbers MW110567–MW110604 and OP466710–OP466715 respectively. Sample data and voucher codes are provided in Table S1.
Gene | Forward Primer 5′–3′ (source) | Reverse Primer 5′–3′ (source) | |
COI | COIcoralF (Addamo et al. 2012) | HCO2 (Folmer et al. 1994) | |
ITS | ITS2.1 (Hugall et al. 1999) | ITS2.2 (Hugall et al. 1999) | |
16S | LP16SF (Le Goff-Vitry et al. 2004) | LP16SR (Le Goff-Vitry et al. 2004) | |
28S | C1′ (Cuif et al. 2003) | D2MAD (Cuif et al. 2003) |
Bold gene markers are those used in one of the two concatenated data sets.
Matrices were aligned using ClustalX (ver. 2.1, see http://www.clustal.org/clustal2/; Thompson et al. 1997) with the default settings and resulting alignments were manually checked with Se-Al (ver. 2.0a11, A. Rambaut, see http://tree.bio.ed.ac.uk/software/seal/). Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) approaches were used to construct phylogenetic trees using PhyML (ver. 3.0, see http://www.atgc-montpellier.fr/phyml/; Guindon and Gascuel 2003) and MrBayes (ver. 3.2.7a, see https://github.com/NBISweden/MrBayes/; Ronquist and Huelsenbeck 2003) for the ML and BI analyses respectively. The model that best fitted the data was selected according to the Smart Model Selection (SMS) option (Lefort et al. 2017) with the Bayesian information criterion for ML and the number of substitution types (nst) = mixed (which explores multiple combinations of change rates) for BI. To assess the relative robustness of tree branches in the ML analyses, bootstrapping (Felsenstein 1985) was used (1000 pseudoreplicates). For the BI analyses, double parallel runs were performed for 100 million generations with one cold and three heated Markov Chains Monte Carlo (MCMC) for each run, sampling trees every 10,000 generations (5000 trees were saved during the MCMC of each run), until the average standard deviation of split frequencies between runs was less than 0.01, indicating convergence of the runs. Nodal support was evaluated by posterior probabilities. Sequences of non-scleractinian cnidarians available from GenBank were used as outgroups (e.g. Nematostella vectensis Stephenson, 1935; Hydra Linnaeus, 1758 and Ricordea florida Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860).
The phylogenetic relationships among Madrepora, Oculina and Cladocora representatives inferred by the two sets of molecular markers (i.e. commonly used and new ones) were generally congruent (Fig. 1 and 2). In addition, the gene trees resulting from the individual analysis of the 14 new markers generally support the relationship observed among the three genera with the two concatenated matrices (Supplementary Fig. S1).
Phylogeny reconstruction based on BI and ML approaches, and a concatenated data set consisting of 16S, COI, 28S and ITS sequences. An asterisk (*) indicates a well-supported node (pp ≥ 95; bootstrap > 70). Cladorora caespitosa, Madrepora oculata and Oculina patagonica are highlighted in light blue. Clades showing other relationships worthy of further investigation are indicated in blue, green and yellow. Three-letter codes after the taxon names are the family codes – see Table 1 and Table S3 for marker information, Table S1 for species information, and ‘Supplementary results’ section in the Supplementary material for additional results. OUT, outgroup; R, Refertina suborder; V, Vacatina suborder.

Phylogeny reconstruction based on BI and ML approaches and a concatenated data set consisting of 7 of the 14 newly developed markers: Actin, ß-Actin, AMPt1, AMPt2, NAD3, NAD5 and SIAH1. An asterisk (*) indicates a well-supported node (pp ≥ 95; bootstrap > 70). Cladorora caespitosa, Madrepora oculata and Oculina patagonica are highlighted in light blue. Clades showing other relationships worthy of further investigation are indicated in blue, pink, red, yellow and green. Three-letter codes after the taxon names are the family codes – see Table 1 and Supplementary Tables S1 and S3 for marker information, Supplementary Table S1 for species information, and ‘Supplementary results’ section in the Supplementary material for additional results. OUT, outgroup; R, Refertina suborder; V, Vacatina suborder.

In the two main phylogenies, M. oculata (Bathyporidae, see Capel et al. 2024), O. patagonica (Oculinidae) and C. caespitosa (Cladocoridae) grouped within the robust clade (Vacatina suborder). Madrepora oculata and O. patagonica resolved as distantly related species. In contrast, a close relationship was observed between O. patagonica and C. caespitosa (Fig. 1, 2, S1b–h, j, l, m, o). Only NAD5 and COI support a close relationship between M. oculata, O. patagonica and C. caespitosa (Fig. S1e, g) of the eight single-locus phylogenies that included all three species. In the main phylogenies inferred, the clade O. patagonica + C. caespitosa resolved as the sister group of the clade comprising species belonging to the family Merulinidae Milne Edwards & Haime, 1857. In the first phylogeny, the sister taxon of this larger clade was M. oculata (Fig. 1), whereas in the second, this was Javania lamprotichum (Moseley, 1880), a species of the family Flabellidae Bourne, 1905 (Fig. 2; for additional results, see the ‘Supplementary results’ section in the Supplementary material). Further insights on other scleractinian genera and families are provided in the ‘Supplementary results’.
Capel et al. (2024) proposed the new monogeneric family Bathyporidae Kitahara, Capel, Zilberberg & Cairns, 2024 to accommodate Madrepora Linnaeus, 1758. This proposal aimed to provide a more fitting classification for the genus Madrepora and alleviate confusion related with the name Madreporidae. Capel et al.’s (2024) rationale for erecting Bathyporidae stems from the argument that the family names Madreporidae Ehrenberg 1834, Madreporidae Dana, 1846 and Madreporidae Gray, 1847 should all be considered invalid because these are based on the junior homonymy. In this context, Madreporidae is argued to be unavailable under Article 39 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) that pertains to ‘invalidity due to homonymy or suppression of the name of the type genus’.
Without doubt, the taxonomic history behind the nomenclature of Madreporidae (and Madrepora) is complicated owing to certain author restrictions and questionable decisions made by earlier taxonomists (e.g. Dana 1846; Gray 1847; Verrill 1901). However, Capel et al.’s (2024) rationale for adopting the nomenclature of the new proposed family Bathyporidae is disputable. Despite Capel et al.’s (2024) assertion to the contrary, Ehrenberg (1834) did not designate Madrepora Ehrenberg, 1834 as the type genus of the new family Madreporidae (see Ehrenberg 1834, pp. 299–344). Therefore, the family name Madreporidae remains available according to Article 10.6 of the ICZN:
Effect of invalidity upon availability: A name once available remains so irrespective of its invalidity as a junior synonym, a junior homonym, an unjustified emendation, an unnecessary substitute name, or a suppressed name, unless the Commission has ruled otherwise [Arts. 78.1, 78.2]. Even if the taxon concerned is no longer classified as animal its name remains available [Art. 2.2]
Furthermore, the establishment of the new proposed monogeneric family Bathyporidae was not based on an available type genus name (e.g. Bathyporus, Bathypora or Bathyporum) infringing on ICZN Article, regarding criteria for family-group names when first published and Article 29.1:
Formation of family-group names: A family-group name is formed by adding to the stem of the name [Art. 29.3] of the type genus, or to the entire name of the type genus [see Article 29.6], a suffix as specified in Article 29.2
Consequently, the new family Bathyporidae should not be accepted with respect to accommodating Madrepora.
In addition to adhering to ICZN rules, we assert that resurrecting Madreporidae would more effectively mitigate taxonomic confusion associated with the name Madreporidae compared with introducing the new family Bathyporidae. Consequently, we advocate for the application of Madreporidae as the new family name accommodating the genus Madrepora Linnaeus, 1758.
Family MADREPORIDAE Ehrenberg, 1834
Colonial, extratentacular sympodial budding forming dendroid colonies. Coenosteum dense. Costae absent or faint. Theca porcellanous or finely granulated. Usually three cycles of septa. Paliform lobes usually absent but if present, rudimentary and positioned before the first and second septal cycles. Columella usually absent but if present, papillose or rudimentary.
Madrepora oculata Linnaeus, 1758, by subsequent designation (Verrill 1901).
Madrepora arbuscula (Moseley, 1880); Madrepora astroites Forskål, 1775; Madrepora carolina (Pourtalès, 1871); Madrepora minutiseptum Cairns & Zibrowius, 1997; Madrepora oculata Linnaeus, 1758; Madrepora piresae Kitahara, Capel & Zilberberg, 2024; Madrepora porcellana (Moseley, 1880).
The genus has been widely described as cosmopolitan deep-sea corals belonging to the family Oculinidae. The molecular analysis presented in this study, however, supports the reassignment of the genus Madrepora from Oculinidae to a different family, namely Madreporidae. The diagnosis reported includes only the skeletal characters; other characters can be found in the original species descriptions.
In agreement with previous studies (e.g. Kitahara et al. 2010; Addamo et al. 2012; Capel et al. 2024), our results demonstrate not only the consistent grouping of O. patagonica (Oculinidae) and C. caespitosa (Cladocoridae) in a well-supported clade but also the lack of a close relationship with M. oculata.
The close evolutionary relationship observed between the specimens of C. caespitosa and O. patagonica analysed in this study provide support for the potential reassignment of O. patagonica to the genus Cladocora. However, before such a taxonomic act is formally proposed, the taxonomic status of the species should be resolved as two species may seemingly be attributed to O. patagonica: an extinct species on which the original description of the species is based (on fossil remains from Argentina) (De Angelis D’Ossat 1908) and an extant species that inhabits the Mediterranean but originated from the north-western Atlantic (Leydet and Hellberg 2015). Given that the extant species has likely been misattributed to O. patagonica, the name should be preserved for the extinct species. We propose that the Mediterranean specimens attributed to O. patagonica be renamed following a formal, detailed morphological description. Whether this should be an Oculina sp. or a Cladocora sp. remains to be determined and would require in-depth morphological and molecular analyses with other species of both genera.
The taxonomic assignment of Oculina and Cladocora to different families stems from differences in the skeletons: a coenosteum composed of costate is absent in Oculina but present in Cladocora (Cairns and Kitahara 2012). These also differ in the encrusting colonial morphology with O. patagonica forming mainly plocoid corallites (Fine et al. 2001) and C. caespitosa, pillow-shaped colonies with a phaceloid growth form (Hoeksema and Ocaña Vicente 2014) (see Table 2, Fig. 3a–c). However, O. patagonica displays phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental factors and, for example, the colonial morphology changes from plocoid to phaceloid-like under bleaching conditions (Zaquin et al. 2019), suggesting that this character may not be useful for defining the species.
Colony and corallites of Cladocora caespitosa, Madrepora oculata and Oculina patagonica. (a) Corallites of O. patagonica from the Mediterranean Sea. Photograph: © Emre Turak and Charlie Veron (adapted from Veron et al. 2016a). (b) Coral colonies of O. patagonica (left side of the dashed line) and C. caespitosa (right side of the dash line) found near the Balearic Islands at a depth of 8 m. Photography: © Diego K. Kersting, used with permission. (c) Corallites of C. caespitosa from the Mediterranean Sea. Photograph: © Emre Turak and Charlie Veron (adapted from Veron et al. 2016b). (d) Calicular (top) and colony (bottom) views of M. oculata (adapted from Cairns and Kitahara 2012, licence CC BY 3.0). (e) Colony of M. oculata. Photograph: © Dugornay Olivier (adapted from Dugornay 2019, license CC BY 4.0).

Madrepora oculata | Oculina patagonica | Cladocora caespitose | |
Colonial, dendroid colonies with delicate distal branches | Colonial, encrusting colonies with plocoid or phaceloid-like growth form | Colonial, pillow-shaped colonies with a phaceloid growth form | |
Coenosteum finely granular, coenoscarc present | Coenosteum dense, coenoscarc present | Coenosteum costate, coenosarc absent in most colonies | |
Costae and pali absent | Costae and pali absent | Costae and pali present | |
Columella papillose | Columella papillose | Columella papillose |
Regardless of whether the Mediterranean specimens attributed to O. patagonica belong to Oculina or Cladocora, the fact that these species inhabit and compete in the Mediterranean may have important implications for conservation of the endangered C. caespitosa. Genetic information can be used to help establish or change conservation priorities for endangered corals and the community of species that rely on these (Beger et al. 2014). Though numerous ecological and biological studies have been published on C. caespitosa (e.g. Peirano et al. 2004; Kersting et al. 2013a, 2013b; Rubio-Portillo et al. 2018; Pons-Fita et al. 2020), less is known about the genetic diversity and population structure. Recent work has shown that, despite the supposed low dispersal ability and high self-recruitment of C. caespitosa, the populations are characterised by low levels of genetic differentiation, indicating a relatively high degree of connectivity (Repullés et al. 2022), though regional and local differentiation was observed among different basin populations (López-Márquez et al. 2019, 2021; Kersting et al. 2022). The regional differentiation is associated with differences in reproductive strategies (sexual v. clonal) and the response to thermal and climate-related stressors. This finding highlights the importance of knowing the status of local populations throughout the Mediterranean and the potential effect on the diversity and conservation of the species. Given that the expansion of O. patagonica might have consequences for the distribution of C. caespitosa, future genetic studies of co-occurring populations of the two species will be necessary to uncover any association between a change in the abundance of C. caespitosa and the presence of O. patagonica.
The third genus under study, Madrepora, was originally included within the family Oculinidae owing to similarities in the morphological diagnoses – colonial, extratentacular sympodial budding forming dendroid colonies, coenosteum dense, costae and pali absent, columella papillose or absent (Vaughan and Wells 1943) (see Table 2, Fig. 3d, e). However, molecular phylogenies (Le Goff-Vitry et al. 2004; Kitahara et al. 2010, 2016; Campoy et al. 2020; this study) and mitochondrial gene rearrangements (Lin et al. 2012) suggested that Madrepora does not belong to Oculinidae. Kitahara and Cairns (2021), instead of transferring Madrepora to a new family, proposed a temporary clade (‘C’) within Oculinidae comprising species of Madrepora until the morphological synapomorphy (or synapomorphies) characterising oculinids could be identified. Capel et al. (2024) recently proposed the new monogeneric family Bathyporidae to accommodate the genus Madrepora following an analysis based on microsatellite markers, and ultraconserved elements (UCE) and exons. However, as mentioned, the name chosen by Capel et al. (2024), though intended to reduce confusion associated with the name Madreporidae, violates Art. and Art 29.1 of the ICZN. Regardless, our study provides additional molecular evidence that supports the movement of Madrepora to a different family and we contend that Madreporidae is still an available name and should be resurrected to accommodate the genus as this appears to be a more appropriate (and less confusing) family name.
Undoubtedly, the use of genome-scale approaches among other technological advances has transformed the scope of coral studies (see e.g. Bhattacharya et al. 2016; Mao et al. 2018; Quattrini et al. 2018; Cowman et al. 2020; Quek et al. 2020; McFadden et al. 2021; Quek and Huang 2021; Terraneo et al. 2021; Untiedt et al. 2021). Although these approaches can be cost-effective relative to the expense of Sanger sequencing and often successful with DNA samples of insufficient quality (e.g. Untiedt et al. 2021), these are not yet widely used in the field. Moreover, new species or phylogenetic reconstructions are still mainly described using few genes (e.g. Arrigoni et al. 2021; Cairns et al. 2021; Núñez-Flores et al. 2021). Indeed, Ramírez-Portilla et al. (2022) suggest that single gene sequencing may still be the most cost-effective method for DNA barcoding of large samples. For these reasons, multi-loci studies such as our study are still highly relevant as these provide a greater breadth of molecular markers for taxonomic and phylogenetic study at a lower scale.
In summary, the overall congruence among the phylogenies (concatenated matrices and gene trees) supports not only the utility of the analysed markers but also the close relationship between extant Oculina and Cladocora species. This also supports the distant relationship between these genera and Madrepora and highlights the long-standing need for the revision of the taxonomy of O. patagonica and C. caespitosa.
Data availability
Data supporting this study are available in the article and accompanying online supplementary material, and in NCBI GenBank (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) under the following accession numbers (gene): MW110483–MW110531 (AMPt1); MW110532–MW110556 (NCAH-like); MW110557–MW110566 (UBB); MW110567–MW110604 (16S); MW110608–MW110632 (Creatine kinase); MW139364–MW139383 (NAD3); MW139384–MW139431 (AMPt2); MW139432–MW139480 (Actin); MW139481–MW139511 (ß-Actin); MW139512–MW139557 (SIAH1); MW139558–MW139576 (Helicase); MW139577–MW139591 (Heat shock-like); MW139592–MW139607 (ATP6/NAD4); MW139608–MW139642 (NAD5); and OP466710–OP466715 (ITS).
Declaration of funding
This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities grants (CGL2011-23306, CTM2014-57949-R and PDI2019-108644GB-I00); project CORALIEN (Fundación Biodiversidad, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, BM_2019); and the Seventh Framework Programme European Commission (FP7-KBBE – Specific Programme ‘Cooperation’: Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology) project CoCoNET – ‘Towards Coast to Coast Networks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential’ (contract number 287844).
We thank the captains, crew and scientific parties on board the RRVV Meteor, Urania, Belgica, Universitatis, Marion Dufresne and Celtic Explorer for collaboration at sea during the following oceanographic cruises: M70-1, CORSARO, MEDCOR 2009 and Belgica 2012/16 (‘CWC Moira Mounds’, FP7/2007-2013 EuroFLEETS under grant agreement number 228344). Marco Taviani further acknowledges the programmes EU FP6 Hermes (GOCE-CT-2005-511234-1) and EU FP7 Hermione (grant agreement number 226354). We are particularly grateful to Stephen Cairns (NMNH) and Aude Andouche (MNHN) for loaning coral samples from the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and the Museum national d’Histoire naturelle respectively, and Virginia Polonio (Control Union UK Ltd) and Javier Cristobo (Instituto Español de Oceanografía) for providing samples from the South Pacific Ocean (Expeditions SS02/2007, TAN 0803) and South Atlantic Ocean (Patagonia 0209). We acknowledge Francesca Benzoni (KAUST), Roberto Arrigoni (SZN), Eric Dutrieux (CREOCEAN), Claude-Henri Chaineau (Total SA), Robert Hirst and M. Abdul Aziz (YLNG) for tissue from and identification of samples collected in Yemen. We are grateful to Ana Navarro Campoy for assistance with amplifying the ITS sequences of the coral species Stephanocyathus diadema (Moseley, 1876), Caryophyllia diomedeae Marenzeller, 1904, Trochocayhtus aithospetatum Cairns, 1984, Dipsastraea matthaii (Vaughan, 1918) and D. pallida (Dana, 1846). We are grateful to Miguel Ángel Alonso-Zarazaga and Agostina Vertino for insightful discussions on coral taxonomy and the rules of the ICZN, and the two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions that improved the quality of the manuscript. This is the Ismar-CNR, Bologna scientific contribution number 1887.
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