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Rotifera from Australian inland waters. II. Epiphanidae and Brachionidae (Rotifera : Monogononta)

W Koste and RJ Shiel
1(7) pp.949 - 1021

91 articles found in Crossref database.

Application of COI Primers 30F/885R in Rotifers to Regional Species Diversity in (Sub)Tropical China
Zhang Ya-Nan, Xu Shao-Lin, Huang Qi, Liu Ping, Han Bo-Ping
Diversity. 2021 13(8). p.390
Brachionus leydigii (Monogononta: Ploima) reported from the western basin of Lake Erie
Connolly J.K., Watkins J.M., Marshall C.C., Adams J.M., Rudstam L.G., Błędzki L.A.
Journal of Great Lakes Research. 2018 44(5). p.1123
Diel vertical migrations of zooplankton in a shallow, fishless pond: a possible avoidance‐response cascade induced by notonectids
Gilbert John J., Hampton Stephanie E.
Freshwater Biology. 2001 46(5). p.611
Predator‐specific inducible defenses in the rotifer Keratella tropica
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Plankton Diversity in Tropical Wetlands Under Different Hydrological Conditions (Lake Tana, Ethiopia)
Kahsay Abrehet, Lemmens Pieter, Triest Ludwig, De Meester Luc, Kibret Mulugeta, Verleyen Elie, Adgo Enyew, Wondie Ayalew, Stiers Iris
Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2022 10
Impact of cyanobacterial bloom intensity on plankton ecosystem functioning measured by eukaryotic phytoplankton and zooplankton indicators
Zhao Kun, Wang Lizhu, You Qingmin, Zhang Junyi, Pang Wanting, Wang Quanxi
Ecological Indicators. 2022 140 p.109028
Succession of microconsumers in waterlogged pampean soils (Buenos Aires, Argentina): a microcosm experiment
Zaplara V. S., Solari L. C., Gabellone N. A., Benítez H. H.
Aquatic Sciences. 2023 85(2).
Uncovering Hidden Diversity: Three New Species of the Keratella Genus (Rotifera, Monogononta, Brachionidae) of High Altitude Water Systems from Central Mexico
García-Morales Alma E., Domínguez-Domínguez Omar, Elías-Gutiérrez Manuel
Diversity. 2021 13(12). p.676
Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates (2001)
Wallace Robert Lee, Snell Terry W.
Patterns of Rotifer Diversity in the Chihuahuan Desert
Brown Patrick D., Schröder Thomas, Ríos-Arana Judith V., Rico-Martinez Roberto, Silva-Briano Marcelo, Wallace Robert L., Walsh Elizabeth J.
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Tasmania revisited: rotifer communities and habitat heterogeneity
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Metacommunity structure of zooplankton in river networks: Roles of environmental and spatial factors
Zhao Kun, Song Kun, Pan Yangdong, Wang Lizhu, Da Liangjun, Wang Quanxi
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Brachionidae (Rotifera: Monogononta) Species from Turkey
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Rotifers (Rotifera) from four natural water bodies of central Mexico
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Persistence of the non-native Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet, 1908) in a large tropical reservoir
Branco Christina Wyss Castelo, Santos-Cabral Lucas César, Kozlowsky-Suzuki Betina, Lopes Vanessa Guimarães, Puga Adriana Lamanna, Macêdo Rafael Lacerda
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Long-term plankton community dynamics and influencing factors in a man-made shallow lake, Lake Dishui, China
Zhao Kun, Cao Yue, Pang Wanting, Wang Lizhu, Song Kun, You Qingmin, Wang Quanxi
Aquatic Sciences. 2021 83(1).
Thorp and Covich's Freshwater Invertebrates (2016)
Wallace Robert L., Snell T.W., Walsh E.J., Sarma S.S.S., Segers Hendrik
Arsenic toxicity, bioaccumulation and risk assessment: A case study in Tolimique Dam, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Alvarado-Flores Jesús, Rubio-Franchini Isidoro, Sánchez-Ávila Alejandra Sofía, Ramírez-Tlalolín Gabriel de Jesús, Rico-Martínez Roberto, Akdemir Andac
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Morphological and Morphometrical Variations of Selected Rotifer Species in Response to Predation: a Seasonal Study of Selected Brachionid Species from Lake Xochimilco (Mexico)
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The biogeography of littoral Lecane Rotifera
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Effects of surface runoff from agricultural soils on the succession of microconsumer organisms in a lotic mesocosm
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Cryptic species within the rotifer Lecane bulla (Rotifera: Monogononta: Lecanidae) from North America based on molecular species delimitation
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Geometric morphometric and biometric analysis for the systematic elucidation of Brachionus caudatus Barrois and Daday, 1894 (Rotifera Monogononta Brachionidae) forms
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Spatial dissimilarities in plankton structure and function during flood pulses in a semi-arid floodplain wetland system
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New Data on the Distribution of Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet, 1908) (Rotifera: Monogononta: Brachionidae): Its Presence in Argentina
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Influence of cyanobacterial blooms and environmental variation on zooplankton and eukaryotic phytoplankton in a large, shallow, eutrophic lake in China
Zhao Kun, Wang Lizhu, You Qingmin, Pan Yangdong, Liu Tengteng, Zhou Yidao, Zhang Junyi, Pang Wanting, Wang Quanxi
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Rotifers (Rotifera: Monogononta) Associated with Littoral Macrophyte Habitats in Flooded Neotropical Ponds: A Qualitative Study
Pardo María José, Scott-Frías Joxmer, Soto Luz Marina, Stamou Georgia, Michaloudi Evangelia, Torres Rubén, González Ernesto, López Carlos
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Reverse taxonomy applied to the Brachionus calyciflorus cryptic species complex: Morphometric analysis confirms species delimitations revealed by molecular phylogenetic analysis and allows the (re)description of four species
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The Species Diversity of Tropical Freshwater Rotifers (Rotifera: Monogononta) in Relation to Environmental Factors
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The influence of environmental variables on freshwater rotifers of the family Brachionidae and Lecanidae in Thailand
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