Implementation of a strengths-based approach in a traumatic brain injury community service; perspectives of community workers
Pascale Simard

The strengths-based approach (SBA) was initially developed for people living with mental health issues but may represent a promising support option for community participation of people living with a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A community-based organisation working with people living with TBI is in the process of adapting this approach to implement it in their organisation. No studies explored an SBA implementation with this population. This study explores the implementation of key components of the SBA in a community-based organisation dedicated to people living with TBI.
A qualitative descriptive design using semi-structured interviews (n = 10) with community workers, before and during implementation, was used. Transcripts were analysed inductively and deductively. Deductive coding was informed by the SBA fidelity scale.
Group supervision and mobilisation of personal strengths are key SBA components that were reported as being integrated within practice. These changes led to improved team communication and cohesiveness in and across services, more structured interventions, and greater engagement of clients. No changes were reported regarding the mobilisation of environmental strengths and the provision of individual supervision.
The implementation of the SBA had positive impacts on the community-based organisation. This suggests that it is valuable to implement an adaptation of the SBA for people living with TBI.
Keywords: brain injuries, community integration, community-based organisation, implementation, intervention, rehabilitation, strengths-based approach, qualitative design.
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