The development of a cognitive screening protocol for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples: the Guddi Way screen
Michelle McIntyre
Many Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples are exposed to risk factors for cognitive impairment. However, culturally appropriate methods for identifying potential cognitive impairment are lacking. This paper reports on the development of a screen and interview protocol designed to flag possible cognitive impairments and psychosocial disability in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander adults over the age of 16 years.
The Guddi Way screen includes items relating to cognition and mental functions across multiple cognitive domains. The screen is straightforward, brief, and able to be administered by non-clinicians with training.
Early results suggest the Guddi Way screen is reliable and culturally acceptable, and correctly flags cognitive dysfunction among Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander adults.
The screen shows promise as a culturally appropriate and culturally developed method to identify the possibility of cognitive impairments and psychosocial disability in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander adults. A flag on the Guddi Way screen indicates the need for referral to an experienced neuropsychologist or neuropsychiatrist for further assessment and can also assist in guiding support services.
Keywords: Aboriginal people, assessment, Australia, brain injury, cognitive impairment, cognitive screen, Indigenous health, Torres Strait Islander people.
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