Angus McEwan 1937–2018
Trevor J. McDougall
Dr Angus McEwan FAA FTSE who died on 5 September 2018, aged 81, was a renowned Australian fluid dynamicist, specialising in designing and conducting experimental studies in geophysical fluid dynamics, and providing outstanding leadership of national and international research programs in oceanography and meteorology.
Keywords: climate, fluid dynamics, meteor, mixing, oceanography, turbulence.
McEwan, A. D. (1971) Degeneration of resonantly-excited standing internal gravity waves, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 50(3), 431-448.
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McEwan, A. D. (1983) Internal mixing in stratified fluids, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 128, 59-80.
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McEwan, A. D., and Robinson, R. M. (1975) Parametric instability of internal gravity waves, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 67(4), 667-687.
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Plumb, R. A., and McEwan, A. D. (1978) The instability of a forced standing wave in a viscous stratified fluid: a laboratory analogue of. the quasi-biennial oscillation, Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 35(10), 1827-1839.
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