Corrigendum to: William (Bill) Francis Budd 1938–2022
Ian Allison , Jo Jacka and Derek BuddThis article corrects Historical Records of Australian Science [Published 23 November 2023] doi:10.1071/HR23019
The authors wish to advise of errors in the reference list of the Supplementary file. The correct file has now been uploaded.
In the original Supplementary file, the details of reference #147 was incorrectly listed. The correct reference is:
Wu, X. and Budd, W. F. (1998) Modelling global warming and Antarctic sea-ice changes over the past century. Annals of Glaciology, 27, 413-419.
The revised Supplementary file also contains one additional reference:
Williams, M. J. M., Warner R. C, and Budd W. F. (1998) The effects of ocean warming on melting and ocean circulation under the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 27, 75-80. doi:10.3189/1998AoG27-1-75-80