Gavin Brown: 1942–2010
Anthony H. Dooley
Gavin Brown was a distinguished mathematician, born and educated in Scotland. He moved to Australia in 1975 and was a key contributor to the area of harmonic analysis at the University of New South Wales. Gavin’s career saw him become vice-chancellor of both the University of Adelaide and the University of Sydney, before he became the founding president of the Royal Institution of Australia. When Brown died in Adelaide on Christmas Day 2010, we lost a distinguished academic and research mathematician, a huge contributor to Australian education and society and a generous human being with a wonderful sense of humour.
Keywords: Gavin Brown, harmonic analysis, measure algebras, Royal Institution, vice-chancellor Sydney University.
Brown, G. (1967) Relatively type 0 semi-algebras, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Oxford Series, 18, 289-291.
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Brown, G. (1968) Stability of wedges and semi-algebras, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 64, 365-376.
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Brown, G. (1969) Norm properties of a class of semi-algebras, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 44, 329-339.
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Brown, G. (2010) Symmetric Cantor measure, coin-tossing and sum set, Tohôku Mathematical Journal, 62(4), 475-483.
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Brown, G., and Dai, F. (2004) Approximation on two-point homogeneous spaces, Advances in Mathematics (China), 33(5), 635-638.
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Brown, G., and Dai, F. (2005) Approximation of smooth functions on compact two-point homogeneous spaces, Journal of Functional Analysis, 220, 2, 401-423.
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Brown, G., and Dooley, A. H. (1985) Ergodic measures are of weak product type, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 98(1), 129-145.
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Brown, G., and Dooley, A. H. (1991) Odometer actions on G-measures, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 11(2), 279-307.
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Brown, G., and Dooley, A. H. (1998) On G-measures and product measures, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 18, 1, 95-107.
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Brown, G., and Hewitt, E. (1968) Continuous singular measures equivalent to their convolution squares, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 80(2), 249-268.
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Brown, G., and Hewitt, E. (1984) A class of positive trigonometric sums, Mathematische Annalen, 268(1), 91-122.
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Brown, G., and Moran, W. (1972a) L-ideals of M(G) determined by continuity of translation, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 18, 307-316.
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Brown, G., and Moran, W. (1972b) A dichotomy of infinite convolutions of discrete measures, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 73, 307-316.
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Brown, G., and Moran, W. (1974) On orthogonality of Riesz products, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 76, 173-181.
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Brown, G., and Moran, W. (1993) Schmidt’s conjecture on normality for commuting matrices, Inventiones Mathematica, 111, 3, 449-463.
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Brown, G., and Móricz, F. (1999) Exact estimates for double Dirichlet series with nonnegative coefficient, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 84(3), 199-208.
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Brown, G., and Móricz, F. (2000) The Hausdorff and the quasi Hausdorff operators on the spaces Lp, 1 ≤ p < ∞, Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, 3(1), 105-115.
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Brown, G., and Móricz, F. (2002) Multivariate Hausdorff operators on the spaces Lp(Rn), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 271(2), 443-454.
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Brown, G., and Wilson, D. C. (1989) A class of positive trigonometric sums, II. Mathematische Annalen, 285(1), 57-74.
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Brown, G., Michon, G., and Peyrière, J. (1992) On the multifractal analysis of measures, Journal of Statistical Physics, 66, 775-790.
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Brown, G., Moran, W., and Pollington, A. D. (1993) Normality to noninteger bases, Comptes Rendus Academie des Sciences Paris Série I Mathématiques, 316(12), 1241-1244.
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Brown, G., Moran, W., and Pollington, A. D. (1997) Normality with respect to powers of a base, Duke Mathematical Journal, 88, 2, 247-265.
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Brown, G., Moran, W., and Pollington, A. D. (2002a) Schmidt’s conjecture on normality for dimension two, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 8, 427-441.
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Brown, G., Dai, F., and Sheng, S. Y. (2002b) Kolmogorov width of classes of smooth functions on the sphere Sd−1, Journal of Complexity, 18(4), 1001-1023.
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Brown, G., Dai, F., and Móricz, F. (2004) The maximal Fejér operator on real Hardy spaces, Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 49, 15-25 51.
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Gillespie, T. A. (2020) Frank Featherstone Bonsall. 31 March 1920—22 February 2011, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 69, 63-77.
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