Functional Plant Biology
Volume 38 Numbers 8 & 9 2011
Actinorhizal Plants
FPv38n9_FOActinorhizal plants
Ana Ribeiro, Alison M. Berry, Katharina Pawlowski and Patrícia Santos
pp. v-vii
FP11066Progress on research on actinorhizal plants
Katharina Pawlowski, Didier Bogusz, Ana Ribeiro and Alison M. Berry
pp. 633-638
FP11012Actinorhizal plant defence-related genes in response to symbiotic Frankia
Ana Ribeiro, Inês Graça, Katharina Pawlowski and Patrícia Santos
pp. 639-644
FP11095New perspectives on nodule nitrogen assimilation in actinorhizal symbioses
Alison M. Berry, Alberto Mendoza-Herrera, Ying-Yi Guo, Jennifer Hayashi, Tomas Persson, Ravi Barabote, Kirill Demchenko, Shuxiao Zhang and Katharina Pawlowski
pp. 645-652
FP11015Diffusible factors from Frankia modify nodulation kinetics in Discaria trinervis, an intercellular root-infected actinorhizal symbiosis
Luciano Andrés Gabbarini and Luis Gabriel Wall
pp. 662-670
FP11003Diffusible factors involved in early interactions of actinorhizal symbiosis are modulated by the host plant but are not enough to break the host range barrier
Luciano Andrés Gabbarini and Luis Gabriel Wall
pp. 671-681
FP11144Strain specificity in the Myricaceae–Frankia symbiosis is correlated to plant root phenolics
Jean Popovici, Vincent Walker, Cédric Bertrand, Floriant Bellvert, Maria P. Fernandez and Gilles Comte
pp. 682-689
FP11014Activation of the isoflavonoid pathway in actinorhizal symbioses
Florence Auguy, Khalid Abdel-Lateif, Patrick Doumas, Pablo Badin, Vanessa Guerin, Didier Bogusz and Valérie Hocher
pp. 690-696
FP11016Antioxidant profiling of Hippophae salicifolia growing in sacred forests of Sikkim, India
Arvind K. Goyal, Bharat C. Basistha, Arnab Sen and Sushil K. Middha
pp. 697-701
FP11024Effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide, soil nutrients and water conditions on photosynthetic and growth responses of Alnus hirsuta
Hiroyuki Tobita, Akira Uemura, Mitsutoshi Kitao, Satoshi Kitaoka, Yutaka Maruyama and Hajime Utsugi
pp. 702-710
FP11018Evidence for community structuring associated with the actinorhizal shrub Ceanothus americanus in tallgrass prairies in Illinois, USA
John B. Taft and Jeffrey O. Dawson
pp. 711-719
FP11010Reproductive ecology of Ochetophila trinervis in Northwest Patagonia
M. Fernanda Reyes, Miriam E. Gobbi and Eugenia E. Chaia
pp. 720-727
FP10216The Casuarina glauca metallothionein I promoter in nodulated transgenic hairy roots of the actinorhizal plant Datisca glomerata
Behnoosh Rashidi, Sara Mehrabi, Kirill Demchenko and Katharina Pawlowski
pp. 728-737
FP10248Taxonomic resolution of actinorhizal Myrica species from Meghalaya (India) through nuclear rDNA sequence analyses
Mhathung Yanthan, David Biate and Arvind K. Misra
pp. 738-746