Functional Plant Biology
Volume 36 Numbers 10 & 11 2009
Plant Phenomics
FP09185C4 rice: a challenge for plant phenomics
Robert T. Furbank, Susanne von Caemmerer, John Sheehy and Gerry Edwards
pp. 845-856
FP09201Non-destructive measurement of chlorophyll b : a ratios and identification of photosynthetic pathways in grasses by reflectance spectroscopy
Katharina Siebke and Marilyn C. Ball
pp. 857-866
FP09199Chlorophyll fluorescence screening of Arabidopsis thaliana for CO2 sensitive photorespiration and photoinhibition mutants
Murray R. Badger, Hossein Fallahi, Sarah Kaines and Shunichi Takahashi
pp. 867-873
FP091083D monitoring spatio–temporal effects of herbicide on a whole plant using combined range and chlorophyll a fluorescence imaging
Atsumi Konishi, Akira Eguchi, Fumiki Hosoi and Kenji Omasa
pp. 874-879
FP09145Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging as tool for understanding the impact of fungal diseases on plant performance: a phenomics perspective
Julie D. Scholes and Stephen A. Rolfe
pp. 880-892
FP09129Feedback limitation of photosynthesis at high CO2 acts by modulating the activity of the chloroplast ATP synthase
Olavi Kiirats, Jeffrey A. Cruz, Gerald E. Edwards and David M. Kramer
pp. 893-901
FP09095Simultaneous phenotyping of leaf growth and chlorophyll fluorescence via GROWSCREEN FLUORO allows detection of stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana and other rosette plants
Marcus Jansen, Frank Gilmer, Bernhard Biskup, Kerstin A. Nagel, Uwe Rascher, Andreas Fischbach, Sabine Briem, Georg Dreissen, Susanne Tittmann, Silvia Braun, Iris De Jaeger, Michael Metzlaff, Ulrich Schurr, Hanno Scharr and Achim Walter
pp. 902-914
FP09150Root phenomics of crops: opportunities and challenges
Peter J. Gregory, A. Glyn Bengough, Dmitri Grinev, Sonja Schmidt, W. (Bill) T. B. Thomas, Tobias Wojciechowski and Iain M. Young
pp. 922-929
FP09125The use of green fluorescent protein as a tool to identify roots in mixed plant stands
Marc Faget, Juan M. Herrera, Peter Stamp, Ingrid Aulinger-Leipner, Emmanuel Frossard and Markus Liedgens
pp. 930-937
FP09167High throughput phenotyping of root growth dynamics, lateral root formation, root architecture and root hair development enabled by PlaRoM
Nima Yazdanbakhsh and Joachim Fisahn
pp. 938-946
FP09167 Abstract | FP09167 Full Text | FP09167PDF (2.4 MB) Open Access Article
FP09184Temperature responses of roots: impact on growth, root system architecture and implications for phenotyping
Kerstin A. Nagel, Bernd Kastenholz, Siegfried Jahnke, Dagmar van Dusschoten, Til Aach, Matthias Mühlich, Daniel Truhn, Hanno Scharr, Stefan Terjung, Achim Walter and Ulrich Schurr
pp. 947-959
FP09214The shoot and root growth of Brachypodium and its potential as a model for wheat and other cereal crops
Michelle Watt, Katharina Schneebeli, Pan Dong and Iain W. Wilson
pp. 960-969
FP09214 Abstract | FP09214 Full Text | FP09214PDF (936 KB) Open Access Article
FP09182A new screening method for osmotic component of salinity tolerance in cereals using infrared thermography
Xavier R. R. Sirault, Richard A. James and Robert T. Furbank
pp. 970-977
FP09123Thermal infrared imaging of crop canopies for the remote diagnosis and quantification of plant responses to water stress in the field
Hamlyn G. Jones, Rachid Serraj, Brian R. Loveys, Lizhong Xiong, Ashley Wheaton and Adam H. Price
pp. 978-989
FP09132An infrared-based coefficient to screen plant environmental stress: concept, test and applications
Guo Yu Qiu, Kenji Omasa and Sadanori Sase
pp. 990-997
FP09113Detecting seasonal change of broad-leaved woody canopy leaf area density profile using 3D portable LIDAR imaging
Fumiki Hosoi and Kenji Omasa
pp. 998-1005
FP09154Near-distance imaging spectroscopy investigating chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic activity of grassland in the daily course
Alexander Ač, Zbyněk Malenovský, Jan Hanuš, Ivana Tomášková, Otmar Urban and Michal V. Marek
pp. 1006-1015
FP08043Biochemical constrains limit the potential of the photochemical reflectance index as a predictor of effective quantum efficiency of photosynthesis during the winter spring transition in Jack pine seedlings
Florian Busch, Norman P. A. Hüner and Ingo Ensminger
pp. 1016-1026