Functional Plant Biology
Volume 34 Number 3 2007
FP06341Hormone signalling and root development: an update on the latest Arabidopsis thaliana research
Jose Manuel Perez-Perez
pp. 163-171
FP06264Significant transpirational water loss occurs throughout the night in field-grown tomato
Mairgareth A. Caird, James H. Richards and Theodore C. Hsiao
pp. 172-177
FP06306A model of daily mean canopy conductance for calculating transpiration of olive canopies
Francisco Orgaz, Francisco J. Villalobos, Luca Testi and Elias Fereres
pp. 178-188
FP06148Drought-adaptive attributes in the Seri/Babax hexaploid wheat population
Juan Jose Olivares-Villegas, Matthew P. Reynolds and Glenn K. McDonald
pp. 189-203
FP06278Photosynthetic responses of three C4 grasses of different metabolic subtypes to water deficit
Ana E. Carmo-Silva, Ana S. Soares, Jorge Marques da Silva, Anabela Bernardes da Silva, Alfred J. Keys and Maria Celeste Arrabaça
pp. 204-213
FP06327Research note: Energy partitioning in photosystem II complexes subjected to photoinhibitory treatment
Dmytro Kornyeyev and Luke Hendrickson
pp. 214-220
FP06158Amelioration of detrimental effects of waterlogging by foliar nutrient sprays in barley
Jiayin Pang, John Ross, Meixue Zhou, Neville Mendham and Sergey Shabala
pp. 221-227
FP06294Evaluation of the differential osmotic adjustments between roots and leaves of maize seedlings with single or combined NPK-nutrient supply
Christoph Studer, Yuncai Hu and Urs Schmidhalter
pp. 228-236
FP06262Growth and development of the facultative root hemiparasite Rhinanthus minor after removal of its host
Fan Jiang, Leila Timergalina, Guzel Kudoyarova, W. Dieter Jeschke and Wolfram Hartung
pp. 237-245