Australian Journal of Plant Physiology
Volume 22 Number 3 1995
PP9950365Developmental Responses by Tall and Dwarf Isogenic Lines of Spring Wheat to Applied Gibberellins.
LT Evans, C Blundell and RW King
pp. 365-371
PP9950373Catabolism of the Seed Storage Proteins From Lupinus Albus: Fate of Globulins During Germination and Seedling Growth.
RB Ferreira, TS Melo and AN Teixeira
pp. 373-381
PP9950383Light-Induced Enhancement in Proline Levels in Vigna Radiata Exposed to Environmental Stresses.
S Arora and PP Saradhi
pp. 383-386
PP9950391The Response of Wheat to High Temperature Following Anthesis. I. The Rate and Duration of Kernel Filling.
IF Wardlaw and L Moncur
pp. 391-397
PP9950399The Response of Wheat to High Temperature Following Anthesis. Ii. Sucrose Accumulation and Metabolism by Isolated Kernels.
IF Wardlaw, L Moncur and JW Patrick
pp. 399-407
PP9950409Hormonal Control of Root Primordia Differentiation and Root Formation in Cultured Explants of Eucalyptus Globulus Seedlings.
A Pelosi, MCS Lee, SF Chandler and JD Hamill
pp. 409-415
PP9950441Possibility of Increasing Yield Potential of Rice by Reducing Panicle Height in the Canopy. I. Effects of Panicles on Light Interception and Canopy Photosynthesis.
TL Setter, EA Conocono, JA Egdane and MJ Kropff
pp. 441-451
PP9950441cCorrigendum - Possibility of Increasing Yield Potential of Rice by Reducing Panicle Height in the Canopy. I. Effects of Panicles on Light Interception and Canopy Photosynthesis.
TL Setter, EA Conocono, JA Egdane and MJ Kropff
pp. 441-451
PP9950453Relationship Between Climate and Provenance Variation in Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Dehnh.
A Gibson, EP Bachelard and KT Hubick
pp. 453-460
PP9950461Diurnal Time Course of Leaf Gas Exchange Rates and Related Characters in Drought-Acclimated and Irrigated Trifolium Subterraneum.
J Vadell, C Cabot and H Medrano
pp. 461-469
PP9950471Sequence and Expression of a Caffeic Acid O-Methyl Transferase Cdna Homologue in the Tropical Forage Legume Stylosanthes Humilis.
CL Mcintyre, AL Rae, MD Curtis and JM Manners
pp. 471-478
PP9950487Beyond Sham and Cyanide: Opportunities for Studying the Alternative Oxidase in Plant Respiration Using Oxygen Isotope Discrimination.
SA Robinson, M Ribas-Carbo, D Yakir, L Giles, Y Reuveni and JA Berry
pp. 487-496
PP9950497Regulation of the Alternative Oxidase in Plants and Fungi.
DA Day, J Whelan, AH Millar, JN Siedow and JT Wiskich
pp. 497-509