Unlocking the potential of biochar in the remediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals for sustainable agriculture
Zubaira Maqbool A B # , Muhammad Shahbaz Farooq

Handling Editor: Sajid Fiaz
Agricultural soils contaminated with heavy metals (HMs) impose a threat to the environmental and to human health. Amendment with biochar could be an eco-friendly and cost-effective option to decrease HMs in contaminated soil. This paper reviews the application of biochar as a soil amendment to immobilise HMs in contaminated soil. We discuss the technologies of its preparation, their specific properties, and effect on the bioavailability of HMs. Biochar stabilises HMs in contaminated soil, enhance the overall quality of the contaminated soil, and significantly reduce HM uptake by plants, making it an option in soil remediation for HM contamination. Biochar enhances the physical (e.g. bulk density, soil structure, water holding capacity), chemical (e.g. cation exchange capacity, pH, nutrient availability, ion exchange, complexes), and biological properties (e.g. microbial abundance, enzymatic activities) of contaminated soil. Biochar also enhances soil fertility, improves plant growth, and reduces the plant availability of HMs. Various field studies have shown that biochar application reduces the bioavailability of HMs from contaminated soil while increasing crop yield. The review highlights the positive effects of biochar by reducing HM bioavailability in contaminated soils. Future work is recommended to ensure that biochars offer a safe and sustainable solution to remediate soils contaminated with HMs.
Keywords: bioavailability, environmental sustainability, plant growth, plant–soil interactions, soil fertility, soil health, soil pollution, sustainable agriculture.
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