Growth, ultrastructural and physiological characteristics of Abelmoschus cytotypes under elevated ozone stress: a study on ploidy-specific responses
Priyanka Singh A , Naushad Ansari

Tropospheric ozone (O3) is a significant abiotic stressor whose rising concentration negatively influences plant growth. Studies related to the differential response of Abelmoschus cytotypes to elevated O3 treatment are scarce and need further exploration to recognise the role of polyploidisation in stress tolerance. In this study, we analysed the changes in growth pattern, ultrastructure, physiology and foliar protein profile occurring under O3 stress in Abelmoschus moschatus (monoploid), Abelmoschus esculentus (diploid) and Abelmoschus caillei (triploid). Our findings showed that higher stomatal conductance in A. moschatus triggered higher O3 intake, causing damage to stomatal cells and photosynthetic pigments. Additionally, it caused a reduction in photosynthetic rates, leading to reduced plant growth, total biomass and economic yield. This O3-induced toxicity was less in diploid and triploid cytotypes of Abelmoschus. Protein profiling by sodium dodecyl sulpate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed a significant decrease in the commonly found RuBisCO larger and smaller subunits. The decrease was more prominent in monoploid compared to diploid and triploid. This study provides crucial data for research that aim to enhance plant ability to withstand O3 induced oxidative stress. Our findings may help in developing a tolerant variety through plant breeding techniques, which will be economically more advantageous in reaching the objective of sustainable production at the high O3 levels projected under a climate change scenario.
Keywords: Abelmoschus cytotypes, growth, physiology, polyploidy, RuBisCO, tropospheric ozone, ultrastructure, yield.
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