Photochemical attributes determine the responses of plant species from different functional groups of ferruginous outcrops when grown in iron mining substrates
Camilla Oliveira Rios

Environments originating from banded iron formations, such as the canga, are important reference ecosystems for the recovery of degraded areas by mining. The objective of this work was to evaluate if the relationship between morphofunctional and photosynthetic attributes of native canga species from different functional group results in distinct responses when grown in iron mining tailings substrate. The experiment was carried out with species belonging to different functional groups: a widespread semi-deciduous tree-shrub, Myrcia splendens; an endemic deciduous shrub, Jacaranda caroba; and a nitrogen-fixing herbaceous species, Periandra mediterranea. The species were grown in two conditions, reference soil and iron ore tailing. Despite belonging to different functional groups when grown in tailings, the morphofunctional attributes presented similar responses between species. M. splendens was the species most affected by the conditions imposed by the iron ore mining tailings, with decreased light-use efficiency and electron transport. P. mediterranea had satisfactory growth and maintenance of photosynthetic attributes. J. caroba growing in the tailings increased the effective quantum yield of PSII. The photochemical and growth assessments were able to better explain the adaptive strategies developed by the species, guaranteeing a greater chance of success during the rehabilitation of mining substrates.
Keywords: canga, chlorophyll a fluorescence, deciduous shrub, ecological restoration, functional groups, native species, nitrogen-fixing, reference ecosystems, widespread semideciduous.
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