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Functional Plant Biology Functional Plant Biology Society
Plant function and evolutionary biology

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Improved elongation of Scots pine seedlings under blue light depletion is not dependent on resource acquisition

Marian Sarala A E , Erja Taulavuori A , Jouni Karhu B , Eira-Maija Savonen C , Kari Laine D , Eero Kubin B and Kari Taulavuori A
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A Department of Biology, University of Oulu, PO Box 3000, FIN-90014 Oulu, Finland.

B Muhos Research Station, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kirkkosaarentie 7, FIN-91500 Muhos, Finland.

C Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, Kaironiementie 54, FIN-39700 Parkano, Finland.

D Thule-Institute, University of Oulu, PO Box 7300, FIN-90014 Oulu, Finland.

E Corresponding author. Email:

Functional Plant Biology 36(8) 742-751
Submitted: 13 January 2009  Accepted: 12 June 2009   Published: 23 July 2009

12 articles found in Crossref database.

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International Journal of Forestry Research. 2010 2010 p.1
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American Journal of Plant Sciences. 2013 04(03). p.479
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Species-specific differences in synthesis of flavonoids and phenolic acids under increasing periods of enhanced blue light
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